Nicolas Cage fans, listen up. the long-awaited sci-fi thriller is finally here. Introducing the sci-fi action-packed dystopian thriller, "The Humanity Bureau." It's coming to theaters and VOD this Friday, April 6. The film is produced by Kevin DeWalt of Minds Eye Entertainment and directed by Rob King and stars Nicolas Cage as government agent Noah Kross, Sarah Lind (Rachel Weller), Hugh Dillon (Adam Westinghouse), and Jakob Davies as Rachel's son Lucas.

Rob King and Sarah Lind speak about 'The Humanity Bureau'

I had the opportunity to interview both the director Rob King and Nicolas Cage's co-star Sarah Lind (who plays Rachel Weller in the film). They both discussed the making of the film and what an exciting experience it was. Nicolas Cage and Hugh Dillon were unavailable due to their film projects.

Suzanne Rothberg: What was it like working with Nic Cage and the rest of the cast?

Rob King: It was great! Nic was really into the film—he was really professional and everybody had a great time! We certainly made it under trying weather conditions.

I actually went to Las Vegas to meet Nic to talk about the script and the character and ended up there on Election Night 2016. It was a surreal experience to be in Las Vegas on that night sitting with Nic Cage talking about this movie.

Suzanne Rothberg: Did you find it a challenge to work with 360-degree cameras?

Rob King: We didn't do the whole movie like that—but for me, it was a new experience where you have to schedule that into your day and when you shoot those scenes you have to get everybody and everything 'out of sight.' None of the cast has ever done it before, neither have I. But we had good technical people to help out so it was all fine in the end!

Sarah Lind: It was a dream—but complicated for the crew to make sure nothing was visible on the entire set of wires or microphones or them.

But for us, it was so much fun. It was like doing theater and we all had a great time shooting. Working with Rob was great! I worked with him since I was 14 on a couple of Canadian series. We hadn't worked together since then so it was great to finally reconnect.

Suzanne Rothberg: Sarah, what convinced you to take on the role of Rachel Weller?

Sarah Lind: I loved the script and the character—the relationship with her, Noah, and Lucas was really interesting and nuanced. I had known Kevin Dewalt and Rob King from when I worked with them 15 years earlier so I was more than happy to work together again, and Nic Cage was involved so I'm a fan of his work!

Suzanne Rothberg: Rob, what is your hope and vision for "The Humanity Bureau"?

Rob King: I just hope that people see it and that it gets out there.

I know that it's playing overseas in Tokyo. I took a photo of the poster outside the theater. I was in a little tiny place called Oliver in B.C. near where we had shot the film. We had a premiere for some of the community. That was fantastic in a great old theater that's been there since the 1940's. We filled it up and it looks really great on a big screen! I hope it gets on enough bigger screens and gives us the modest marketing budget. It's a film with a relevant story and its got a big heart to it; even though it's also an action chase film.

Suzanne Rothberg: Sarah, describe what it was like working with Nic Cage. Was he professional and easy-going and would you work with him again on another film?

Sarah Lind: He was definitely very professional, easy-going, very courteous. He's really wonderful! We had some great conversations and we worked well together—especially since it was so cold while shooting we just wanted to shoot the film as quickly as possible so we were all really well prepared. It was my first time working with Nic and I would work with him again!

Suzanne Rothberg: The VR version of the film premiered at Cinequest. How did that go?

Sarah Lind: I wasn't able to go to that. I'd like to check it out on a VR headset, it's really cool!

Rob King: Cinequest was fantastic. I've never been there. I was really impressed with that it was smaller, lots of volunteers. I couldn't believe how many theaters there were in San Jose.

There are lots of fun parties, it's like one of those film festivals—some of them are getting so big and filled with stars and invites only. This was a more grass-roots experience. (Nic Cage received the Maverick Spirit Award).

Suzanne Rothberg: Sarah, there's a scene where you slap Nic in the face! Was that a re-enactment and put in the film intentionally to pay homage to Nic's film, "Moonstruck" when Cher slaps him in the face?

Sarah Lind: Yes! That scene was really fun— It felt really 'electric' when we were doing that! It was obviously fake!

Final thoughts on filming 'The Humanity Bureau'

Suzanne Rothberg: Rob, the film focuses on 'Global Warming.' Do you think it relates to the current times?

Rob King: At this point in history, everything has gone to hell with global warming and there was some famine with the Civil War. The HB agency is out to determine if a citizen has any value to take care of themselves—are they contributing at all to society. If they're not, they're sent to this idyllic fictional city (New Eden) where you can basically live out the rest of your life and comfort is the sales pitch from the government. It turns out that's not true. The citizens are never heard from or seen again.

Suzanne Rothberg: At the beginning of the trailer, it states, "The World is a Wasteland." Do you feel global warming will eventually catch up to us if we don't control it?

Rob King: Yeah, absolutely I think so.

As I get older, I become more concerned about what we're leaving behind. From what I've seen and read about the poor ice cap melting—look how much the weather has changed around the globe in the last two years. When we shot the film, it was originally set in this dry, burned out hot sun environment to rain and snow. When we started filming it dropped to -16 degrees. It snowed every day. We changed the script twice. I don't see it getting any better.

Suzanne Rothberg: Rob, do you think Hollywood should curb gun violence in films with the recent events of kids bringing firearms to school?

Rob King: There is gun violence in this film but not half as much as in other films. I'm not convinced that gun violence in films is what actually influences people.

I'm a Canadian, so of course, we have gun laws up here. I read one year we sold as many guns in Canada as the state of Michigan. Although we've had our moments, we don't see that kind of violence. I think it has much less to do with movies than a culture of guns and regulations that allow or don't allow people to purchase and carry them around.