On last night's episode of "Little People, Big World," fans saw the big talk between Matt and Amy Roloff about their awkward living situation. Though they have been divorced for two years now, the two are still living in the same property. And it seems as if Matt is fed up. Read on for our full recap!

Matt considers leaving the Roloff Farms

Since their split, Matt Roloff has moved out of the main house at the farm into a smaller home which is not designed for little people.

According to the 56-year-old "LPBW" patriarch, he and Amy previously agreed that this set-up would only be temporary. It's been two years since their divorce, but Amy is still staying at the big house as they continue to co-own the Roloff Farms.

"[Amy living in the main house] makes sense, but it wasn't supposed to be permanent. I mean, I'm living 500 feet from my ex. It's awkward," Matt says in a confessional, as recapped by Pop Culture.

As a solution, Matt sets up a meeting with his ex-wife about building another house for him--one that would fit his needs as a little person. He needs Amy's approval since they own the property together, and it would be a huge financial undertaking.

However, Amy is obviously not on board with Matt's idea. The two have an argument, which causes Matt to become more exasperated.

"This little moment reminds me why we're divorced," Matt utters in frustration.

Later in the episode, Matt is seen talking to his new girlfriend Caryn Chandler about the option to leave the farm. It's hard for "Little People, Big World" fans to imagine Roloff Farms without Matt, but he and Caryn go out to look at several properties together.

Audrey Roloff prepares to give birth

While the tension between Matt and Amy is certainly putting a strain on the Roloff family, Jeremy and Audrey are focusing on their happy news: the upcoming arrival of their first baby! Audrey is currently 39 weeks pregnant and is due to give birth any day now.

The couple gives fans a glimpse of how they prepare for Audrey's delivery--from packing the hospital bag to making last-minute lists.

Audrey admits to being a bit obsessive-compulsive in making sure everything is in place before the baby's arrival. She says it gives her a sense of comfort to know that she has things under control. According to the first-time mom, she's planning for a "low-intervention, unmedicated, and natural childbirth."

"I know that's gonna be really hard and I'm gonna have to go into it embracing the pain that's gonna be," Audrey says in a confessional.

The birth of Jeremy and Audrey's baby girl, Ember Jean Roloff, is surely going to be a huge highlight this season. "Little People, Big World" airs every Tuesday, 9 PM. on TLC.