There are so many things we could say about Jenelle Evans' latest claim that it's almost like the jokes write themselves. It all started when someone on Twitter suggested that David Eason is racist. Jenelle seemed to be floored by this claim and honestly, David has said a lot of homophobic things but he's never really said anything racist that we know about.

In any case, the racist claim really didn't sit well with Jenelle and for whatever reason, she set out to prove their hater wrong.

Unfortunately for her, Jenelle's reasons why she believes David can't possibly be racist has now made her the butt of several jokes.

Are you ready for this?

It all started with this tweet, which is typical for Jenelle and seems harmless enough.

It didn't take long for the dragging to begin. Let it be known that it was not initially related to the David being black thing. That comes later and makes this whole Twitter conversation so very interesting.

First, they came after Jenelle for the chameleon-like quality she seems to possess. No matter what her man of the moment is into, she seems to be into it too.

"First you were all happy about that gym life with Nathan. Now your all about hunting, woods, guns and that country life with David lmao. What lifestyle will you be into with the next dude?" one of the responses read.

Another tweeter elaborated, "Lets not forget the breaking and entering and heroin lifestyle with Kieffer. That was an interesting one "

David is black?

It was all typical Jenelle versus the internet until someone asked, "How's your racist and homophobic husband?"

That's when Jenelle Evans decided that she couldn't let anyone say anything bad about her husband. Jenelle has a history of sticking up for David Eason even in some of the most impossible circumstances like when he went off on a homophobic rant and got himself fired from "Teen Mom 2."

"My husband is black, but yeah ok sure.

Lmao," Jenelle fired back, making jaws drop all over the internet. David is black, you say? How so?

That's when Jenelle tried to prove David's blackness and instead, ended up getting laughed off the internet. "Yes, he has Senegal and North African in him. #FunFact," she tweeted.

Then, to prove just how black her husband is (or isn't,) Jenelle Evans posted a screenshot from David Eason's ancestry report. It turns out that he reportedly is one percent Senegalese and less than one percent North African according to the report.

That screenshot convinced literally no one and even brought more criticism for the "Teen Mom 2" star. One tweeter blasted Jenelle for wanting to "be like Kail Lowry so bad" and then schooled her on the fact that not everyone in Africa is even black.

Most of the conversation has now been deleted but in true Twitter fashion, there were many screenshots taken. It still isn't clear if Jenelle understands that her husband is not actually black or if she is standing by her initial claims. Either way, it made for a very entertaining evening watching Jenelle try to convince everyone