During an open press meeting, an audience member asked "The Crown" producers Suzanne Mackie and Andy Harries, whether a pay difference existed between the two stars who played the queen and prince. They confirmed that Claire Foy, who played Queen Elizabeth, was paid less than her co-star Matt Smith, who played Prince Philip.

The two producers claim that the pay gap is because of Smith's work on "Doctor Who." They said moving forward, nobody will be paid more than the Queen. Despite that, Claire Foy has managed to win several awards for her portrayal as Queen Elizabeth, including a Golden Globe and two SAG awards.

Season 3 will feature an all-new cast

While the studio will be rectifying this situation, moving forward Foy will not have the opportunity to receive a fair paycheck, because of the recast for each season. For season three, every role is being recast and will start filming this summer. The season will be based in the 1970s.

This salary news is just the latest revelation of a rather large wage gap in Hollywood. Most recently it was discovered that Actress Michelle Williams was paid way less than Mark Wahlberg for reshoots of “All the Money in the World.” According to USA Today, Wahlberg received $1.5 million for the reshoots, while Williams only earned $1,000.

This could be considered one of the worst pay gaps because the series is based on the woman's power as queen. Netflix's "The Queen" also holds records as one of the most expensive shows in history, with a budget of $7 million for each episode. Variety reports that Claire Foy was being paid almost $40,000 per episode, while other leading female stars such as Elisabeth Moss from "The Handmaid's Tale" brings in $200,000 per episode. "This Is Us," star Chrissy Metz is earning $40,000 per episode. Netflix's "The Crown," had 10 episodes in its debut season, while "This Is Us," had 18 in its first season.

'The Crown' says the pay rate was based on history

Both producers have acknowledged that the rate was based on the actor/actresses experience. Smith was an established actor best known to the world for his work in "Dr.

Who," while Foy was not very well known to audiences. However, that should improve going forward, as she established herself with "The Crown." She is now set to portray the main heroine in the Millennium series, which is a spin-off from "The Girl in the Spider's Web." Netflix’s “The Crown” is expecting to replace Foy with Olivia Coleman as Queen and Helena Bonham Carter taking the updated role of Princess Margaret. Studio executives are still working to fill other casting roles. It’s still unclear, which true characters will be seen more often in the upcoming season.