"This Is Us" has returned with Episode 11 of Season 2. Following a six-week break, one of the NBC's most popular TV shows resumed the intriguing journey of Pearson family. An emotional drama, "This Is Us" is arguably the best TV drama of recent years. As a recognition of this fact, Sterling K. Brown (he plays Randall Pearson in the show) received the Golden Globe award for the best actor in a TV drama. Several days later, Episode 11 aired in what can be described as a happy coincidence. As a result of these auspicious events, Episode 11 emerged in what, according to IMDb, is set to be an eight-episode journey until Season 2 will reach its conclusion.
What the newest episode brings up to the table
For those familiar with the show's direction, it seems that the latest episode came as a follow-up of the last one. This time, there was no change of spectrum as Kevin remained at the core of the narrative. We learned that he was forced by a judge sentence to enter into a rehab program following the dramatic DUI episode. Approximately a month after his admission, Kevin has had to face its own siblings for the first time as they came to visit him.
In the other narrative plans, Randall and Beth seem to have gotten past their failed adoption attempt with Deja. Even though she has expressed her disagreement, Beth decides to support Randall in his attempt to keep a close connection with his brother Kevin.
Toby and Kate are trying to cope with the tense situation that followed Kate's miscarriage. Absolutely involuntary, Toby discovered that Kate has been dealing with another food issue, mostly due to stress.
The overall picture is not a great one, but that's how the show has been constructed. It's obvious that Kevin's inner struggle is getting more and more attention, in fact, even the past tense digression revolves around Kevin's childhood struggle.
All others have their own issues too, but Kevin seems to get the front page each time.
Jack Pearson comes under scrutiny again
Jack Pearson (phenomenally transposed by Milo Ventimiglia) remains the shadow that controls everyone's behavior and action. Picturing how a perfect father and husband should be, Jack has been put on a shiny shelf by the entire Pearson family.
Digging deep down into his own past with help from a therapist named Barbara, Kevin tries to find the root of his apparent addiction. Therefore, his father's drinking problem (or alcoholism to put it in more brutal words) gets another first-row-at-the-show ticket. But, while pursuing even this direction, the show barely left Kevin Pearson out of the equation. It might be safe to say that this episode cemented a clear direction of the show's future with Kevin Pearson becoming more and more visible. Sure, the end of the episode seems to have brought peace, but the questions will persist.