Every season of "My 600-lb Life" seems more gut-wrenching than the last and Season 6, airing Jan. 10, is no exception. Reality TV viewers see morbid obesity in all its raw unloveliness. They see folks at rock bottom, with no hope of losing enough for bariatric surgery, let alone the 400-700-lb weight loss to get to normal size. However, in the despair, dysfunction, and delusion that characterizes the TLC show, this new season offers a glimmer of light.

But don't blink or you'll miss it.

Same old annoying behavior

The preview of "My 600-lb Life" promises that season 6 will follow 17 people (the biggest number the reality television show has seen). All the usual issues are there: the awkward temper tantrums and enabling caregivers (echoing Steven Assanti). There's the whining and crying (remember James K?) which irritates followers on YouTube and Facebook. There's the delusional self-pity that makes folks want to scream "you're in pain because you're fat!"

Secret to weight loss

By and large, viewers are supportive of gastric bypass surgery patients.

Unfortunately, it's the rare "My 600-lb Life" stars, like Nikki Webster (Gray) and Amber Rachdi, who don't drive them nuts. They wanted Laura Perez and Lupe Samano to succeed at weight loss because they were so sweet. These celebrities also didn't make excuses or blame others and took responsibility. And all lost weight and healed crippling obesity. Coincidence? Not likely.

Out of the mouths of babes

So who's going to be season 6's star pupil on "My 600-lb Life?" This author's money is on the kid. The preview showed a short clip of a young woman, possibly a teen, who admitted that though Dr. Now is treating her mom, she needs to lose weight too. She confessed to a food addiction that rivaled mom and was probably learned from mom, but she didn't blame anyone.

With surprising self-awareness, this sensible girl realized that she couldn't stop eating but should.

Changing the vocab

The concerning part was the "can't stop eating." Don't want to or choose to, yes. But cannot, uh-uh. There's an old saying: can't never did anything till she tried. The Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step program calls on folks to admit they are powerless when it comes to their addiction. But that doesn't imply that they can't do anything about it. They can put the needle, bottle, or fork down. They can practice sobriety. But at least this girl has taken the first step.

Get help

Another tool for "My 600-lb Life" patients is to learn healthy new skills from trusted mentors like Dr. Now or other weight loss surgery patients.

They can also ask for and accept help. And that is the other glimmer of hope in season 6. Instead of enabling the eating disorder, one woman's partner said in the preview: "You can do this. You're not alone. I'm going to see you through."