Since the New York Times published their exposé on Harvey Weinstein's decades of sexual harassment, a total of over 30 women have come forward as his victims. This has caused absolute chaos in Hollywood, with many celebrities being accused of hiding the producer's actions. Victims like actress Alyssa Milano are trying to make the best out of the major attention from media. Milano is using the situation's controversy to promote women from all over the world to speak out about sexual abuse.


On Sunday afternoon, Milano took to Twitter to announce an idea a friend gave her.

"If all the woman who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote 'Me too.' as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem," the image attached read.

The actress encouraged anyone who has been sexually harassed or assaulted to reply to her tweet saying "me too." It's safe to say the magnitude of the problem is very apparent, as the tweet has received over 30,000 replies. The tweet quickly spread to other social media platforms like Facebook where it has gone viral.

More than a Hollywood problem

While all of Harvey Weinstein's Sexual Harassment victims are apart of Hollywood or once were, those raising awareness like Milano and Rose McGowan want to ensure that every woman is heard.

They want the Hollywood industry to change but want to make it more known that sexual harassment is a problem for women everywhere.

This Twitter trend has created a platform where women feel safe sharing their past experiences. Hollywood stars like Anna Paquin, Debra Messing, and even Javier Muñoz joined the movement. “Me too.

I don’t know if means anything coming from a gay man but it’s happened. Multiple times," said Muñoz.

Milano's movement made an impact all over the world, which was clear when Member of Parliament Stella Creasy shared a "me too" tweet.

One Twitter user replied telling her she was "crazy" for publicly admitting her harassment, but has since deleted the tweet. Before he could, Creasy replied making it clear she wasn't admitting anything.

Before he could, Creasy replied making it clear she wasn't admitting anything. "Shame is on the attackers, not me," the government official made clear.

Celebrities and government officials were not the only women who joined the movement. Thousands of regular women recounted their past experiences with sexual harassment.Twitter user Jyn Erso said, "Women who've "only" been harassed, not assaulted, consider ourselves lucky."

The movement continues to grow on both Facebook and Twitter while celebrities like Milano continue to promote a positive change in Hollywood and around the world.