Shirley Spectra was never fully in her granddaughter's corner when she was dating Thomas Forrester. Time and time again she mentioned that the single playboy had obligations to his son Douglas, and his baby mama Caroline. Even so, it looked like the young Forrester heir and Sally were positioned to be a super couple on "The Bold and the Beautiful." Things changed, however, when Thomas abruptly decided to stay in New York and reunite his family unit.
Now Shirley has set her sights on another young man for her sister's namesake. Sally's grandmother is encouraging her to commit adultery and to pursue a married Liam Spencer.
Shirley has a plan for her granddaughter
Sally Spectra's grandmother was always skeptical of Thomas, even though he proved himself to Sally time and time again. He did not step up when it was needed the most, which was after the fire. Shirley, however, has watched as Dollar Bill's son, Liam Spencer has become a godsend to her granddaughter. Liam paid C.J. millions for the burned out "Spectra Fashion" building and gave the deed to Sally free and clear.
He now wants to take her with him on a business trip to talk to architects who can help her rebuild.
On Wednesday and Thursday's episodes of "The Bold and the Beautiful," Shirley was elated to hear that Liam wants her granddaughter to accompany him out of town. Sally was quick to point out that this was strictly business, but her grandma was seeing something more. The elder Spectra said that both Liam and Sally had "that look" in their eyes when they were together. She also mentioned that Dollar Bill's son has been going above and beyond to help them get back on their feet. When Sally emphasized that Steffy is Liam's wife, her grandma reminded her that the "princess" had always been rude, and wanted them out of business.
Spectra, however, continues to stand.
Sally and Liam as a couple may be inevitable
Viewers have been watching as Sally and Liam have been growing on each other since the Spectra building was set on fire. Empathy on his part has grown into genuine fondness. Her gratefulness is developing into true appreciation. Steffy and Liam have been growing apart since he took over "Spencer Publications," so a "Lally" union is probably inevitable. On Friday, Steffy paid a visit to her possible rival and told her that she was not going to go out of town with her husband. This will probably be the determining factor that makes Sally say yes.
It's a shame that Shirley is so desperate for Sally to be happy, that she is encouraging adultery. Telling her grandchild to go after the man of her dreams when they both know he has a wife, is going to backfire.
Steffy Forrester will not sit by and allow Sally Spectra to gain ground with the man she has fought so hard to be with. She Knows Soaps spoilers say Steffy is going to talk to her father in law about the relationship between her spouse and Sally so it's about to get serious. Stay tuned weekday afternoons for more episode of "The Bold and the Beautiful," on CBS to find out how this love triangle ends.