Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is the upcoming installment of the sci-fi series. With its release date approaching, the official Japanese website updated its character profiles and revealed a little bit of what we can expect in the upcoming film.

The stakes are higher

Star Wars’” official Japanese website just updated its character page in preparation of the “The Last Jedi.” Fans in the Star Wars News Net shared a rough translation of the new information revealed in the bios.

Overall, the information revealed just how busy the characters will be.

The trio is out to slay. Rey (Daisy Ridley) arrives in Ach-To looking for Jedi Master Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamil). Upon arriving at the mysterious island, the young woman finds a man who doesn’t meet her expectations. This detail in the website further confirms that Luke isn’t very happy with Rey’s arrival in Ahch-To. What will Rey do about this information?

Poe Damiron’s (Oscar Isaac) loyalty to the Resistance intensifies. As the war between the First Order and General Organa’s faction escalates, the X-wing pilot leads his own troops to battle; creating a capable flying squad.

However, as he enthusiastically performs his duties, his heroic action scares both the Resistance and First Order troops. Meanwhile, Finn continues to fight for the Resistance after completely detaching himself from the First Order. However, the details revealed that the character is in conflict with his role in the war. Unlike the ones we saw on the trailer, Finn looked so assured while fighting Captain Phasma (Gwendoline Christie).

More details are revealed about Luke Skywalker. According to the website, after failing to re-establish the Jedi Order, Luke traveled around the galaxy for answers. Eventually, the Jedi master settles in Ahch-To. Many years later, he found himself being sought out by the Resistance to help them fight the Dark Side.

General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) struggles to lead the resistance fleet. As the war escalates into total catastrophe, she uses her experiences in battle to stop the First Order’s operation around the Galaxy.

The Dark Side

The First Order is preparing them as well. General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson) rides his new ship called the Finalizer. After the Starkiller base was destroyed, Hux aims for the Resistance. Captain Phasma is as determined as Hux. In the upcoming film, the Captain will take a hold of a new Stormtrooper Corps and settles her own grudge.

Kylo Ren takes the war further after getting defeated by Rey. As he grows his powers in the Dark Side, Supreme Leader Snoke is not impressed. Is he not happy about his progression in the Force?

It seemed that Kylo has to prove himself a lot in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.”

Lastly, after the prequel, Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Sarkis) finally goes our and leads the First Order against the Resistance.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi” set to premieres in theaters on December 15.