Jana Duggar is a hot topic among Duggar fans. You have the extremists who want fans to leave her alone, and then the hopefuls who want to see her married. Jana is 27 and has yet to announce a courtship. Her twin brother, John David Duggar has also avoided being involved in a public courtship. Rumors surround this family daily, and the twins have both been sucked in a time or two regarding their dating life.

Courting offers

There has been a lot of speculation about whether or not Jana Duggar is involved in a courtship or two at the moment. The simple answer is no, though others would like you to think otherwise.

Duggar has spoken out about courtship offers she has received. She is too busy doing what she wants to do with life and has not felt like God has brought the one to her yet. Jana is very serious about working for the Lord, as she has said several times. While it has likely been flattering to receive offers to court, she has not accepted any of them.

According to the Hollywood Gossip, one of the reasons Jana Duggar is not courting is because she is too picky. A source talked about how she has things she is not willing to bend on when it comes to a courtship. Jana isn't a dumb girl, she has a good head on her shoulders. She has been brought up learning the ropes of being a wife and mother. There is no reason other than her personal preference in a man for why she is single.

Duggar isn't worried about getting married as she believes it will happen when the time is right.

Jana gets a job

It is rare to see the Duggar women working, especially with how they are shown on television. Jana Duggar is working at her father's car lot. The source close to the family reveals she is spending a lot of time there instead of being at home.

This is shocking because Jana is usually the one to take over the chores and to manage the children. Because she is the only adult daughter still living at home, her role is vital. Seeing that she is working away from home is a bit of a surprise, but it is a family business so the Duggar's still have control.

The Duggar wedding boom has slowed to a close.

In just one year, three children tied the knot. Jinger Duggar got married last November, Joy-Anna was married in May, and Joseph was married in September. Jana Duggar isn't ready to court and until she decides she is, there will be no news about it. She is more concerned with living her life and having fun with it instead of searching for a man to court.