On Friday night, James Corden hosted the amfAR gala in Los Angeles. While most of Hollywood has taken the Harvey Weinstein scandal seriously, the comedian tried to lighten up the mood with some jokes. Corden joked about the producer's alleged behavior as well as some things that specific victims went through, like seeing Weinstein bathe.

Not the right timing

Corden's jokes weren't well received by the crowd at the gala or by the victims of Weinstein's abuse.

In the video showing his speech, most of the crowd groans while few people laugh. Though after the first joke he received negative feedback, he continued to go off about Weinstein.

For his last joke, Corden talked about the producer masturbating into a plant which is a situation that happened to news anchor Lauren Sivan. When he moved onto joking about a different subject, the crowd responded better. He was not off the hook, though.

Once the video surfaced on Twitter, the late-night talk show host received a massive amount of hate for being insensitive. Rose McGowan, an alleged rape victim of Weinstein, has been one of the biggest voices in the scandal.

She took to Twitter after seeing the video to trash Corden as well as those who laughed at his jokes.

"Hearing the audience’s vile roars & laughs show EXACTLY what kind of HOLLYWOOD you really are," the actress said after insulting Corden.

McGowan even called out CBS, the network that airs Corden's show, urging them to take action against Rape Culture. "@CBS DONATE TO @ELAWC OR YOU TOO SUPPORT RAPE CULTURE," she tweeted.

The actress wasn't the only alleged victim of Weinstein's to respond to Corden's jokes. "Shame on this pig and everyone who grunted with him," tweeted Asia Argento.


Following the controversial headlines he caused, James Corden took to Twitter to issue a public apology.

To clear things up, he said that he did not intend to try to "make light of Harvey's inexcusable behavior." The comedian tweeted that he firmly believes sexual assault is not something to laugh about.

Corden says his goal was to use his platform in order to publicly shame Weinstein, not his victims. He then shared that he is "truly sorry for anyone offended," reassuring them that how it was perceived was not how he meant it.

Amidst the Hollywood catastrophe caused by his actions, Harvey Weinstein has fled to Arizona for treatment. In his apology letter, he told the public that he only wants to get better.