Justice League” is almost upon us. The brand new superhero film featuring DC’s most iconic superheroes is getting moviegoers excited. They can't wait to see their dynamic on the big screen. To give us more details, Gal Gadot sat down with DC All Access and shared what we can expect from the DC’s upcoming film.

First impressions and chemistry

Gal Gadot who plays Wonder Woman in the “Justice League” told us a lot of new details about Diana Prince in the superhero film.

Putting on their costume felt “surreal.” When she first saw her colleagues wearing their respective uniforms, Gadot felt a wide range of emotions. It was strange and amusing yet thrilling at the same time. The 32-year-old actress then shared a story from their first two days of filming where they were wearing their costumes. She recalled herself swaying the sword so seriously during takes and laughing afterward. She explains that everybody was the same as well. During takes, the cast would be their character on screen, however after camera’s stopped rolling; all of them gets a good laugh. With all the costumes around, it was like Halloween.

When it comes to fighting the villains and working with her teammates, Diana works well with everybody. The Israeli actress compared their dynamic to dancing; they have to work together with each other. They all have to know who kicks here and who punches over there. The Justice League must be united to be able to be successful.

Despite this, working with new comrades puts a strain to Diana. She doesn’t want anything bad to happen to them, but at the same time, they all must fight together. If she had her way, she'd probably choose to protect them instead.

Diana’s role in the team

When asked about how “Wonder Woman’s” story weaves into “Justice League,” Gadot explains that there are only a few differences.

Diana hardly changed, the only glaring contrast is the fact that the character has been fighting alone all this time.

In the upcoming superhero team, Gadot shares that fans will see Daina as the “glue” of the league. For the Israeli actress, Diana is an amazing character because she cares so much about the people around her. So when they were filing, she made sure to portray her as a person who inspires her teammates and show them care at the same time. Because by the end of the day; “Justice League” is a team. What better way to help them than be herself.

Justice League” is the upcoming film by DC. The superhero film stars Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ben Affleck as Batman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and Ezra Miller as The Flash. The movie is set to premiere on November 17.