"90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days" aired on Sunday night, showing Paul Staehle in Brazil with fiance hopeful Karine Martins. Having traveled all the way from Kentucky to meet and spend time with her, the two are hoping for a love connection that could lead to marriage.
Paul let viewers know that he had been keeping a secret from Karine. He has a criminal past. Before traveling to Brazil to meet her, he had kept the secret. Once their relationship got more intense and Karine began asking about a proposal, Paul decided it was time to come clean.
Of course, a conversation over a cup of coffee would have been too easy, and it turned into a fiasco. As the final credits of the show began to roll, producers and cameramen were looking for Paul, who had vanished after entering a murky river. Karine was leaving the park, saying she was done with Paul. She was carrying a cell phone in her hand and was mugged with a machete for the phone. It was a bad ending for the couple with a lot of unanswered questions regarding the couple.
So what has Paul been charged with?
According to "In Touch Weekly" Paul was actually charged with second-degree arson in 2007. He faced another charge in 2014 for "Burning personal property to defraud insurer." It is unclear if he actually served time in jail, but he was sentenced to supervised probation with shock probation.
According to court records that probation was supposed to be until 2020. Lucky for Paul, it seems the probation ended on September 11, 2017, making it possible for him to pursue love in Brazil.
Paul had mentioned a violation of a Protective Order. Apparently, he had gotten an Emergency Protective Order against an ex-girlfriend who turned around and got one against him as well.
Allegedly, he was considered in violation of the EPO when he sent her a text, though it contained no threats.
Is there a future for Karine and Paul?
To answer that question, you need not look any further than the Facebook account of the "90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days" reality star. The two are posing for pictures where Paul is in prison orange and Karine is the officer in charge.
It is a cute compilation of pictures that lead the viewer to believe the two have moved past Paul's secret and moved forward. Of course, the couple has several issues between them that will need to be handled prior to marriage.
Do you think Paul and Karine are good matches for each other? Will the two end up married and living in the US together? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.