On Tuesday night's episode of "The Haves and the Have Nots," Candace Young breaks down under the pressure of dealing with her son's death. She lashes out at her mother and brother without accepting any responsibility for her own choices. She began fighting with Hannah and Benny regarding funeral arrangements and got the shock of her life.
Tyler Perry goes for the jugular with the storylines on 'The Haves and The Have Nots'
Tyler Perry does not hold back with the storylines on "The Haves and Have Nots." He goes for the jugular and keeps it very real.On Tuesday night's episode, the funeral home drama is something that many people can relate to.
Hannah and made arrangements to bury her son because Katherine Cryer volunteered to pay for it. Hannah had no insurance and did not have $6,000 lying around to utilize.
As Benny and his mom are talking to the funeral director, Candace comes in saying she should be in charge because she is the little boy's mother. She yells at Hannah accusing her of not protecting Little Q, and says her mom let him die to save herself. Benny points out that Hannah has been more involved in the child's life than Candace has. This causes Ms. Young to turn her fury on her sibling.
She tells Benny that he has been living off her her for years, and he replies that he did not ask her to sell her body in order to help him.
The funeral director is caught in the middle not knowing who to listen to. Candace tears up one of the programs that outline the order of service and insists her son be placed in a blue casket. As she is shouting she yanks open the top of the casket that Hannah has chosen, and see's her little boy's lifeless body for the first time.
This shock causes her to scream and almost fall to the floor. It looks as if she is about to have a breakdown.
Hannah Young and her family are torn apart by the death of Little Q
Benny keeps telling his sister that their mother risked her own life to save Little Q, but Candace refuses to listen. Eventually, Benny tells her that Hannah has been right all along and he asks his sibling why she can never admit responsibility for her choices.
These scenes in the funeral home are riveting and filled with passion and raw emotion. The director was trying to keep peace and figure out who is footing the bill. Hannah only wanted to give her grandchild a decent burial and Benny was supporting his mother.
Candace, however, represents that family member who only knows to stir up trouble. She was not there when it really counted but now she is wanting to take over and do things her way.It took Tyler Perry 5 episodes before Ms. Young even found out her son had been shot and killed, but he made up for it in Tuesday nights show. Next Tuesday is the season finale of "The Haves and the Have Nots," and the previews indicate it will be one the fans do not want to miss.