On Friday, Serena Williams reportedly gave birth to her first child from his partner, Alexis Ohanian. Entertainment Tonight has reported that the tennis superstar's first born is a Baby Girl. Back in April, the award-winning athlete announced her pregnancy and since then, she started becoming very open about her pregnancy journey. On Instagram, Williams posted several updates about her little bundle of joy; although, she kept her baby's gender a secret until she gave birth.
Baby's nursery
In one of her interviews, Williams revealed that she has just prepared for her upcoming baby's nursery. She also added that she was working on it from time to time and was having a hard time picking for the neutral colors for her baby's room. Back in January, the tennis player no longer played for a match during the 23rd Grand Slam singles.
Later on, it was discovered that the player was already close to two months pregnancy, New York Times reported. After several speculations, Williams then confirmed that she's pregnant with her first baby but she did continue doing her daily fitness activities until giving birth. Her engagement with Ohanian was also announced unexpectedly back in December.
Since her pregnancy, the new dad was reported to be very supportive to his partner. He also revealed that he was visiting parenting websites from time to time in order to learn some parenting lessons from parents who have gone through successful parenthood.
Back to Tennis
Prior to giving birth, Williams shared that she already planned to return to her passion for tennis after giving birth. Back in April, she reportedly took to Instagram and expressed her excitement of joining the tennis players the following year. Meanwhile, the new mom further shared to her social media page how her little bundle of joy has given her enough strength and inspiration.
Venus Williams, her sister, also told reporters her excitement of becoming an aunt to her new niece.
She added that she simply couldn't express in words her happiness. When asked further about the birth of her niece, Williams answered, “I’m definitely available to answer questions about tennis. That’s all right now.”
Despite limited details, most of William's friends, including her coach, have congratulated her on Twitter. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Williams told the New York Times that despite her missing the upcoming 2017 season for tennis, she is still intended to return to the circuit in the upcoming games of 2018.