Kendall Jenner is finally opening up about her involvement in the controversial Pepsi advertisement, which has received major criticism from the public. The ad was released last year, and the public immediately condemned Jenner and Pepsi as it trivialized the issue of Black Lives Matter. These comments are the first time that Jenner has opened up about the situation and her family is encouraging her to speak up.

The star's sister admitted that Kendall is struggling with the backlash

According to the Daily Mail, Kim Kardashian has opened up about how her younger sister Kendall Jenner was affected by the backlash from the Pepsi ad she was part of back in 2016. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Kim admitted that Kendall has had a tough time with the public scrutiny and that she has been brought to tears by the advertisement.

Kim Kardashian stated that none of the members of the Kardashian family are perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. She claimed that she has seen Kendall crying at home about the commercial but that her sister refuses to show this side of herself to the media.

Kim stated that while the family sees how torn apart Kendall is, the media are only reporting on the fact that Jenner has not addressed her involvement in the advertisement.

Kendall turns to Kim for advice on the matter

According to AU News, Kendall Jenner has turned to her sister Kim Kardashian for some advice on the situation surrounding the Pepsi advertisement. The sisters are seen talking about the situation in the new promo for the next episode of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" in which Kendall claims that she felt as if her life is over.

Kendall also revealed that she is an incredibly private person and does not like the idea of sharing her emotions surrounding the ad. The model has revealed that she feels horrible for her involvement in the commercial but that she does not know how to express this to the world.

In a report by the Daily Mail, Kendall has stated that she does not want to share footage of herself crying to audiences. It is clear that Jenner is afraid of further backlash from both the public and the media if she does choose to address the Pepsi advertisement.

In the promo for "Keeping Up with the Kardashians," Kendall Jenner appears to be breaking down about the issue as she confides in her sister Kim. Kim is then shown telling Kendall that she needs to address the issue and that until she does, she will continue to suffer the consequences of her mistake.

Fans are looking forward to the upcoming episode of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" and are hoping that Kendall will have more to say about her involvement in the Pepsi ad.