Jasmine Goode came under fire for allegedly bullying a "Bachelor in Paradise" actor. Hence, the controversial cast member finally addressed this issue in hopes to put an end to these accusations pressed against her after she entangled in a dispute with Christen Whitney on the show.

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According to Entertainment Tonight, the female cast members were entangled in a fight over their mutual affection for Matt Munson.

It even reached the point where Jasmine Goode dubbed Christen Whitney a "b---c" and "snake" for secretly making the first move to ask the male co-star out for a date. When asked how she felt after she was accused of bullying her co-star, the 29-year-old dancer admitted she was saddened to learn the reaction of the public over the confrontation. "I don't look at that as bullying, and you know, I didn't tell the story," she said.

Jasmine Goode clarified that all she did was confront Christen Whitney for doing something wrong against her. The cast member on the hot seat went on to reveal that she has already apologized to her "Bachelor in Paradise" co-star for calling her names.

The pro dancer denied any allegations of bullying and confessed that she would not change a thing from the confrontation. "Christen will agree on this, there's proof that what she did was wrong to me, and she even told me that," she added.

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Meanwhile, Christen Whitney admitted it was "really hard to watch" how her co-stars treated her on the reality program. She added that she felt like everyone on the show was mocking her for being real.

Although she appreciated Jasmine Goode's apology for calling her a "b---c" on the ABC series, the 25-year-old wedding photographer would like to know why the former posted "snake" about her on social media even after the production has concluded.

She also recalled how terrified she was for "about a week and a half" after she realized that she has become the subject of mockery among her fellow cast members. She was even named "Scallop Fingers" after Alexis Waters shared a story about Christen Whitney that inspired them to come up with the nickname.

Despite their ongoing dispute, the former "Bachelor" star is thankful to her fellow cast members DeMario Jackson, Sarah Vandal and Danielle Maltby for checking into her after they saw how other colleagues treated her on the reality program. "It kind of takes you back to like, high school feelings that you haven't felt in a long time," she added.