“Game of Thrones” season 7 concluded at a serious cliff-hanger last month. It is known that the show is going to receive another season. However, this one will be the final conclusion of the HBO series. More heart-breaking news for the show’s fans is that they won’t get to see it before 2019. The show-runners, as noted by The Sun, have now begun recruiting casts for “Game of Thrones” season 8. They are currently on the look-out for a couple of North-bound characters, two guards, a sailor and a farmer. This makes it a total of eight new faces that the viewers will see in the next season.
Details of these eight characters have also been mentioned, thereby giving a glimpse into what could happen next.
Mercenary's role
The ”Game of Thrones” fan-based website, Watchers On The Wall, has suggested that the show-runners are also on the look-out for an actor who will fit the role of the mercenary. He is required for roughly six months – which means, that the mercenary will play a significantly large role in the next season. The listing on the website describes the character as being authoritative and charismatic. Assumptions have been made on what role this character will be playing. It is believed that he might assist Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbaek) in a massive manner.
There are also chances that he might be a part of the Golden Company that Cersei heavily relies on.
As was revealed in the last season, Cersei plans on betraying Jon and Daenerys as a result of the pact made with Euron. Her main objective is to kill off whoever survives the war with the Knight King. Most of her army has perished after the war they fought with Dany’s dragon. Therefore, she requires the assistance of the Golden Company so that she can purchase army and resources to meet her goals.
She was seen persuading Jaime for the same, however; he refuses to give in this time. Cersei is left alone, probably at the mercy of Euron and this mysterious mercenary.
The next season
The show-runners have already begun shooting in Spain. According to The Sun, the next season will focus on Jon Snow’s realization of his true parentage.
He is Aegon Targaryen, which is confirmed but whether he will be the “Prince that is promised,” is something that remains unconfirmed. Results of the ultimate battle with the White Walkers also remain to be seen. Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen recently posted an image on her Instagram account, which revealed the list of directors onboard for the final season.