The Duggar Family is facing yet another family scandal that has shamed and tarnished the strict rule-living reality television stars. This time concerning the scandal surrounding Joy-Anna Duggar, the rushed wedding to husband Austin Forsyth and pre-marital pregnancy.

The news of Joy-Anna Duggar's pre marital pregnancy really doesn't come to many a huge surprise. The whispered questions were already being asked last May after Joy-Anna, and Austin Forsyth quickly pushed up their planned wedding date from October 28th - May 26th, a full five months earlier than originally planned.

Duggar family pregnancy scandal upsets family model

As previously reported, on Mother's Day Joy-Anna revealed via video message to her fans just how very anxious she was to become a mother. Fans were curious then as to why Joy-Anna was speaking out on motherhood when she was planning a full on Duggar wedding; now it appears we have our answers, she was softening the blow for them with a sort of prelude to motherhood.

Joy-Anna hints at motherhood in May

In 2017 an unexpected, pre marital pregnancy for most is not a tremendously shocking ordeal, that is unless you are a Duggar. The Duggars have publicly preached their squeaky clean values and rules for several years, and this is one big no-no in their world.

As if the disappointment for the Duggar family is not enough drama for Joy-Anna, there also seems to be some more important family issues taking place according to Radar Online.

Sources close to the Duggar family have reportedly told Radar that the family does not like Austin at all.

“There has been a lot of talk about the character of her new husband Austin,” the source told Radar.

“He was more of a rebel child.” Interestingly enough, one particular family member. Anna Duggar, who is the wife of disgraced elder brother Josh allegedly claims she is “disappointed in his character.”

This news follows talk of Austin and Joy-Anna repeatedly breaking family courting rules of touching before marriage. Austin was spotted before their marriage touching his Joy's hand and full on hugging.

It may be time for the Jim Bob and Michelle to re-think some of the family's harsh rules to live by.

These rules appear to be placing a lot of tension and strain among some of the Family Members who are starting to rebel quite often over the outdated rules. With the strict family rules, fans may see family rebellion becoming the norm instead of the exception.

According to Radar, recent photos of Joy-Anna appear to estimate that she is around four-five months along in her pregnancy which means a new little Duggar family member could be arriving sometime between the Christmas and New Year holidays. “We’re humans, and sometimes we don’t always abide perfectly by our rules,” he said during a Counting On reunion special. “We try. That was a real hard try.”

What are your thoughts about Joy-Anna Duggar's pregnancy scandal?