Big Brother 19” spoilers for Week 10 reveal some interesting news out of the house. The “BB19” cast is actually ready for the Eviction Ceremony, even though several houseguests don’t have all the information on who is about to get sent packing. The “BB19” jury is going to get its fifth member on Thursday night (Sept. 7), but they are still completely clueless on what is going on around them.

A quick recap of what has been taking place in the game follows. Christmas Abbott won the Head of Household Competition, but there is a twist waiting for CBS viewers. It turns out that everyone in the house threw the challenge, including Alex Ow, allowing Christmas to become the HOH. Those “Big Brother 19” spoilers will dictate what takes place next in the house and one particular “BB19” cast member is in for a rude awakening.

What happens next in ‘BB19’ house?

Christmas Abbott nominated Jason Dent and Alex Ow for eviction. This made it extremely important for one of them to win the Power of Veto, but even that didn’t go according to plan.

Paul Abrahamian won the Veto Competition, keeping the power between himself and Christmas. He plans to use the Power of Veto to save Alex, with that plan coming at the urging of Jason himself.

Jason has been deluded into believing that when Kevin Schlehuber gets used as the replacement nominee that he is getting evicted this week. Instead, a plan is now in place to evict Jason, as confirmed by a report on fan site Joker’s Updates on Sunday (Sept. 3). This is not what the duo of Alex and Jason had been working all season, and as the newest “Big Brother 19” spoilers point out, Jason is saving Alex from even being on the block by volunteering as a pawn.

Can anyone stop Paul Abrahamian from winning?

It is now very clear, if it wasn’t before, that Paul Abrahamian is running the show. He has an alliance with everyone left in the “BB19” house and is using it to his advantage. His plan is to get Christmas Abbott and Josh Martinez to the end with him and if he succeeds in doing that, he should walk away with the $500,000 prize. Maybe producers will introduce a twist to shake things up a bit?

Fans who watch the episode on Sunday night may learn why the houseguests threw the HOH Competition. It was a questionable game move for several of them, with a high likelihood that some of the “BB19” jury is going to come to regret the decision to let Christmas win it.

Fans were upset with Matt Clines, but now that disdain can shift to a new cast member. There is still time for more “Big Brother 19” spoilers this week, but the writing is on the wall for the upcoming Eviction Ceremony.