bethenny frankel announced that she had launched a very own charity, B Strong, on "The Real Housewives of New York" reunion special this year. The charity was inspired by her own experiences with her ex-husband, Jason Hoppy, as he had stalked her and harassed her after their divorce was finalized. Bethenny had been very stressed out about her divorce, but she could not get a judge to settle it.
The financials were taken care of, the custody arrangement had been taken care of, but Jason wasn't working with her to finalize the divorce, as he wanted to make life a living hell for her.
Bethenny had the means to pay for her divorce, and she revealed at the reunion special that lawyer fees alone had reached over $3 million. She was devastated that she had to spend so much money on a man who was just trying to make life miserable for her but she later revealed that she wanted to help women in similar situations. This is exactly what her new charity is all about.
Helping in Houston
According to a new Instagram post, Bethenny Frankel is now revealing what kind of situations her charity is helping with.
On social media, Bethenny has merely explained that the money donated by people will be used to help women in need who are stuck in situations that are not healthy or good for them. While divorces are examples of these situations, it sounds like the recent natural disasters in the United States are encouraging her to step up and help out. Bethenny recently traveled to Houston to meet with some of the women who are left with nothing after Hurricane Harvey completely destroyed the city. On Instagram, Frankel recently shared a couple of people stories and it sounds like they're more inspiring than ever.
"Tammie and her 13-year-old daughter's home was destroyed. She works with the mentally ill and was more worried about them than herself," Bethenny wrote on her social media pages.
Other stories include women who lost everything but were more concerned about the homeless in their neighborhoods.
Inspiring people in need
Of course, the stories are all about women putting other people before themselves, including people who they work with or even their own children. They have nothing but instead of worrying about their own situations, they're worried about other people after the hurricane. Bethenny wants to help out and it is awesome to see her on the ground in Houston, helping wherever possible. Her videos and pictures from the city are completely devastating but it is great to see that someone with her status and success want to help out and spread awareness about the issues plaguing people in the country.
It is possible that she won't be traveling to Florida to see the same devastation but she has revealed that she's already raising money to help people in Florida.
It sounds like a horrible divorce or having a controlling spouse has truly inspired her to do well. Even though Bethenny’s situation was raw and harsh for her, it sounds like she wants to help women in need all over the place if they need a little extra assistance. It is great to see that someone with her network and her fame is willing to go to the battlegrounds in Houston and help out.
What do you think about the stories that Bethenny Frankel has been sharing on social media? Are you surprised to hear these women’s stories about how they are concerned for others after such a huge storm?