The German magazine "Stern" is catching heat from the Jewish Community because of a recent cover image. This week's edition of the publication has Donald Trump draped in an American flag with his hand held in a gesture utilized by Adolf Hitler. There is also a slogan that is similar to one the dictator utilized. It is understandable that people are troubled by this depiction of number 45, but there may be a point to it.
Is Donald Trump modeling himself like Hitler?
The situation in Charlottesville, Va. and the president's response to it are causing his approval ratings to drop rapidly.
The words coming out of his mouth are suspect, with regard to anti-Semitism. The fact that Donald Trump said the Neo Nazi's, KKK members and white supremacist are nice people has given many Americans pause. Although he says he is the least racist, least anti-Semitic person in the world, a majority of minorities including the Jewish community do not believe him.
The continued endorsement of the president from David Duke in addition to his friendship with Alt-right Nationalist Steve Bannon speaks for itself. The most damning evidence is those young white males marching in formation shouting "Jews will not replace us," and "Hail Trump" which is similar to "Heil Hitler". Giving the Nazi salute or using a swastika is illegal in Germany, so the "Stern" magazine cover is no doubt satire.
And not meant to be taken as an endorsement of Adolf Hitler and what he did to the Jewish community.
The Jewish Community speaks
The Simon Weisenthal Center which is based in Los Angeles gave a statement indicating that while they disagree with many of the president's actions, they do not believe he is a modern day Hitler. Ironically there are some Americans who believe Donald Trump has the potential.
And it is interesting that this organization that represents the Jewish Community is attacking the German magazine rather than their own president who is showing such indifference to them.
Donald Trump's presidency has had one positive benefit, and that is that issues surrounding race, gender equality, anti-Semitism, and all forms of hate are being brought to light.
Americans are being forced to address and deal with things that many U.S. citizens believed had been left in the past. Others realized, however, that these sensitive topics were only buried deep within the haters and now they feel empowered to show their faces and not be ashamed. This is why comparing the president to Adolf Hitler is serious business.
Perhaps the cover of "Stern" will initiate more discussions that will lead all Americans to do some self-reflection and may help to somewhat heal a few of the wounds in the Jewish Community. By now all Americans should realize that nothing is going to change the way Donald Trump is thinking, acting and what he is saying. So those of us living in the nation must decide for ourselves, not to embrace the hate.