"Big Brother" usually airs three times a week. The CBS reality show already gives viewers three hours of entertainment each week when it airs on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday. An extra airing will be on Friday, August 18 at 8 p.m.
The last time there was an extra showing was on Friday during episode 12 on July 21 when the Battle Back competition took place. At that time, there were the first four evicted houseguests competing for a chance to return to the game. They included Cameron, Jillian, Dominique, and Cody.
Cody won the battle and returned to the house.
Ramses and Jessica have been the only two people evicted since then. So, another Battle Back competition is out the question. Besides, Ramses and Jessica have returned home and are back on social media. That indicates they are out of the game forever.
On Friday
Because the bonus show on Friday is a mystery, the live feeds on Thursday and Friday will be blacked out to prevent spoilers. "Big Brother" producers said there will definitely be surprises as well as an appearance by a special guest. Based on what happened last year, viewers are speculating that there will be some type of performance in the backyard for the houseguests. The live feeds will return on Friday after the extra episode goes off the air at 9 p.m.
On Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday's episode will show the houseguests competing in the third and final Temptation Competition of the season. Cody must play and win if he has any chance of staying in the house. There will be a Double Eviction (DE) on Thursday. Those on the block include Cody, Elena, and Matthew. One of them will be eliminated, but the second person to be eliminated is a mystery.
This season's ratings
This season's "Big Brother" has been drawing more viewers than other seasons. After the first seven weeks, the show has seen a rise in the ratings that are much higher than the last two years. Since the reality show airs three times a week, the ratings for each night are different. The average overall rating is 6.1 million viewers.
On Wednesday nights, the rating is 6.28 million viewers. Thursday nights have 6.03 million viewers. Sunday night viewership is 6.07 million.
These numbers are good for the reality show because ratings had begun to decline in recent years. This year's numbers are higher on each night than they were last year. It is interesting that Wednesday night is the most watched night and not Thursday night when the eviction takes place.