"Big Brother 19" spoilers from CBS live feeds action reveal that Cody Nickson will be happy to leave the "BB19" house this Thursday during the live double eviction event. Since his showmance lady Jessica Graf left the "Big Brother" house last Thursday, he's spent most of his time alone trying to avoid the wrath of the increasingly aggressive houseguests he's forced to live with every day. Cody is on the block alongside Matt and Elena, but it seems certain that the ex-Marine will be first to go, but who will follow?
'Big Brother': Thursday's live eviction should be tense
The "Big Brother" house will see a live eviction on Thursday, August 17. In fact, there will be two in a live double eviction event. Assuming Cody goes out first, who's next? The live feeds last night from "BB19" showed bitter fights between the houseguests. Alex took Cody to task yelling at him over eating her HoH cereal that she told him he could have. But that wasn't all. Josh went off on Elena, screaming at her about being a double dealer and a liar when live feed watchers know that he's misleading the "Big Brother" house.
FYI, Josh/Xmas game talks alone are why feeds are worth it. THEYRE SO WOKE YALL. I'm here for joshmas taking over the season #BBLF #BB19 pic.twitter.com/vpc1G7Mobg
— erin | creepy xmas🎄 (@christmasjoye_) August 10, 2017
Based on Josh's antics and his statements during his recent HoH, he wants Elena evicted from "BB19." Most of the houseguests in Paul Abrahamian's alliance are looking at Mark and Elena as their targets for week eight.
However, Paul has also encouraged some of the HGs to take a closer look at Kevin. The old guy isn't keeping his lips zipped and has let slip that he won the $25k and unleashed the curse that allowed Paul back into the "Big Brother" house. Ramses took the fall and the lie that he took the cash helped his eviction along.
Could Paul be targeted in the double eviction?
The biggest threat in the "Big Brother 19" house is inarguably Paul as he continues to control his allies and knock down his targets one by one. Cody made the big move to try and take out Paul in week one and because he failed, Jessica is gone, Cody will be next, and Paul is still running the "Big Brother" house.
The double eviction is the perfect chance for the "BB19" houseguests to take out Paul in an epic blindside since the second HoH, nomination, veto, and eviction happen within the hour.
Last night, Paul let Mark know that people are telling him Mark is coming after him. Recap (2-3 AM): https://t.co/5q4wGP9Did #BB19 pic.twitter.com/0rUUBZ9d5X
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) August 16, 2017
Targeting Paul on the "BB19" DE night would prevent him from having the time to plead his case and target his allies against someone else. But the only people that have floated his name are Mark and Jason, aside from Cody. And even if Mark wins the HoH on double eviction night, he might not nominate Paul unless he's certain that he has the votes to evict the veteran from the "Big Brother" house. Paul will probably survive the "BB19" double eviction this week and if he does, he could be unstoppable.
Come back soon for more "Big Brother 19" spoilers and news.