“Wonder Woman” might have earned millions and widespread critical applause, but it has not impressed veteran director James Cameron. The criticism has created an uproar on social media and fans of the movie are up in arms against Cameron calling his observation completely wrong and also accusing him of mansplaining. Director Patty Jenkins has also spoken up against his remarks in a Twitter post saying that there is no right and wrong type of powerful woman.
'Wonder Woman' a step backward for Hollywood
James Cameron recently set tongues wagging when he called “Wonder Woman” a backward step for Hollywood.
He said that all the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood has been indulging in after the success of the first female superhero film is guided in the wrong direction. Talking about Gal Gadot’s character, he said that she is nothing new and just an objectified icon. He detailed that it is all about male Hollywood doing the same thing it has been doing for a long time. However, he did acknowledge that he liked the movie.
Fans raging on social media
Ever since Cameron’s statements made their way to the media, fans have been venting out their anger over his remarks. While some have accused him of mansplaining, some are openly saying that he is incorrect in his review. One such fan said that he loves the director and he has also got the Midas Touch but he is completely wrong in his take on “Wonder Woman.” Another said that Cameron should keep his mansplaining to himself as nobody cares.
A few also defended him saying that his remarks have been blown out of proportion and that he did not say anything offensive.
Patty Jenkins counters allegations on Twitter
Director Patty Jenkins has also given Cameron a piece of her mind through a Twitter post in which she wrote that she can understand the inability of the great director to understand “Wonder Woman” and what she symbolizes as he is a man.
She also clarified her stand on the soft power and beauty of Princess Diana saying that if women have to be hard and tough to be strong and if they are denied the freedom to be multidimensional then it is a sign that the world has not come very far. She asserted that women can be everything just like their male counterparts and that there is no right or wrong kind of powerful woman.
It is worth mentioning here that “Wonder Woman” has earned $800 million worldwide and has come forward as the biggest hit of this summer.