"The Big Bang Theory" is a comedy series which was created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady. The series follows five characters who live in California. Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, Raj, and Penny stole the hearts of the audience right from the beginning. The make characters are self-acclaimed geeks with jobs such as aerospace engineer and physicist. The first season aired back in 2007 and the show has been running ever since.

The cast and creators of the show arrived at San Diego Comic Con over the weekend to discuss the shows eleventh season.

The cast reveal their reactions

The cast and creators of "The Big Bang Theory" were present at the San Diego Comic Convention. They had a panel on Friday where they discussed the latest season finale of the show. In the final character, Sheldon Cooper finally proposed to his girlfriend Amy. However, before Amy could give an answer the episode ended and fans have been left dying to know what she says.

When asked about the big moment actor Kaley Cuoco stated that she immediately started crying.

She stated that the moment on the show had not only been highly anticipated by the fans but also the actors themselves. Fellow co-star Kunal Nayyar also said that the entire cast was crying. Everyone appeared to be high on emotions. Cuoco added that it was amazing to see the proposal happened. She seemed awed by how far the series has come since its first season and said that the proposal marks this in a really cool way.

The Big Bang Theory set for two more seasons

"The Big Bang Theory" has been wildly popular since it first began back in 2007. The show has seen the end of its tenth season and according to Variety, it has been confirmed that the show has been approved for two more seasons. Chuck Lorre, who is an executive producer on the show, has stated that the 11th and 12th seasons of the series will likely be the last.

Series regulars such as Jim Parsons, Kayley Cuoco, and Simon Helberg have already signed their contracts for the next few seasons.

"The Big Bang Theory" actors are earning a lot of money from each episode. However, recently the cast agreed to take pay cuts of $100,000 so that their co-stars Bialik and Raunch could earn a raise. The success of the show has far surpassed what the show runners originally had in mind. Their quirky yet intelligent characters who are into comic books and gaming resonated with the audience. Character Sheldon Cooper quickly became a fan favorite solidifying the fan base of the show.

"The Big Bang Theory" is set to return for its eleventh season on September the 25th. Fans are eagerly awaiting the series return and are dying to know whether or not Amy will accept Sheldon's proposal.