Since April, various Spoiler alerts had been predicting the return of Maxie Jones to Port Charles. It was initially believed she would be back for the Nurse Ball which is held each May, but she did not come in. After that Spoilers said, kirsten storms would be returning soon.The next report had her on the "General Hospital" set, and finally a few weeks ago a date of July 24th was given. And Monday, loyal fans were rewarded when Maxie came back to Nathan.
Kirsten Storms looks really healthy
When Kirsten Storms was last seen on "General Hospital" in February she did not look well.
She had lost a significant amount of weight, her cheeks were sunken, and there were dark circles under her eyes. Her hair was dull and listless, lying flat near her neck. When her character Maxie left town indefinitely for Portland rumors began to swirl. Ms. Storms however wisely kept her personal business private, only saying she dealt with depression.
On Tuesday when Maxie returned to Port Charles, Kirsten was like a new woman. Her face was fuller and she had picked up some of the weight she previously lost. Her hair was a bright vibrant blonde and cut in a short bob which looked wonderful on her. Kirsten really looked much healthier and there is no doubt the fans are thrilled.
Maxie is back but will she be in action?
Now that Maxie is officially back in Port Charles will she have matured while she was away, or will she be in rare form and over the top as she was previously? The old Ms. Jones often took action without thinking and got into trouble. It would be nice to see a change in the character to correlate with the new look that Kirsten Storms has.returned to the canvas with.
The Maxie who the fans are familiar with would tear into Amy and rip "Man Landers" to shreds. It's only natural for Ms. Jones to be a little jealous that her spouse has a new female BFF. When she finds out they share the secret of the identity of the advice columnist, it may be a bit much to deal with. Now that his wife has returned Nathan will not have the free time to devote to Amy and "Man Landers"
Most viewers thought this storyline was rather silly and want it over and done.
Let's hope they don't simply have Amy disappear, and will give her a decent ending to this particular plot. A more mature Maxie would handle Amy differently.
Welcome back to "General Hospital" and Port Charles, Kirsten/Maxie. Your fans are eager to see you take action on current events.