Noel Fisher is best known for his work with the US adaptation of "Shameless." The actor played the character of Mickey Milkovich on the show for the past six seasons and has decided to move on from the hit show. Noel and his girlfriend Layla Alizada got married yesterday on July 15. The wedding was small and intimate with only their closest friends and family in attendance. The couple has been seeing each other since 2005 where they met on set.

The wedding was magical

According to the Daily Mail, Fisher and Alizada wanted the ceremony to be small and intimate.

They did not want a huge invitation list and a huge party. Instead, they invited their close Family And Friends and the pair exchanged vows in front of the most important people in their lives. The newlyweds were extremely happy with the wedding and stated that it was an extra special process as their families helped to organize it.

The couple has a seven year age gap and met when they were both working on a show called "Godiva's" in 2005. They found they had immediate chemistry when they bumped into each other in the makeup trailer. They got to talking and that evening at the wrap party shared their first kiss. The couple has been completely dedicated to each other ever since, in what is a fairy tale romance.

According to PEOPLE, the couple celebrated in style. Fisher wore a suit by Kenneth Cole while bride Layla donned a dress by Morilee. The couple served up a Mediterranean inspired menu for their guests. They also served white wine at the reception.

They understand the demands of the job

Both Noel Fisher and wife Layla Azida are actors.

They came together on set and have an understanding of the demands of the job. Noel Fisher has been exceptionally busy as of late as he has broken into the film industry after several years working on "Shameless". He has starred in such movies as "Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles" and "The Long Road". He also recently guest starred in an episode of "Fear the Walking Dead".

Layla has also been busy working on film projects. She has starred in the hit movie "Taken" with Liam Neason as well as "The Muppets" and the TV series "Scandal". Both the actors have thriving careers and their mutual understanding what it means to be an actor only benefits their relationship. Layla and Noel have also worked together on a project in 2016 called "Day One".

The newly weds are excited to begin their married lives. Both Noel and Layla thoroughly enjoyed the wedding and the celebrations after.