It is almost time for a new season of "outdaughtered" on TLC and the fans can't wait to see it. The Busby family will be back for season three starting on July 11 on TLC. In Touch Weekly was able to figure out the big spoilers for what will be happening on the next season of the show.

What are the quints up to now?

Ava Lane, Hazel Grace, Olivia Marie, Parker Kate, and Riley Paige are back again along with their sister Blayke and their parents Adam and Danielle. When the show started, Adam admitted that he wasn't quite sure anyone would watch, but that isn't the case at all.

He said, "We agreed to the show because we thought, well, at the very least we would have a pretty awesome documentary of the first year of the girls' life if no one watched." In fact, everyone loves this show and can't wait to see more of the Busby girls.

If you follow the Busby's on their blog, there has been some talk about how Hazel might need another surgery. She can now be seen with cute little glasses on in the new pictures that they post. Adam will admit that he is becoming a bit obsessed with Hazel's eye problems, but he just wants his little girl to be the same as the others. Remember that Mimi has moved out, so they are back to doing it all on their own again. Of course, she is still around to help from time to time.

It will also be time to start wondering about potty training the girls, but at least they are in school some now and they can help out with all of that some. Danielle is going to realize Adam isn't around quite as much as she would like. This is the kind of stuff that every parent deals with, but they don't normally have five girls at home either.

When can you see new "Outdaughtered"?

New episodes start airing on TLC on July 11. You will get to see a new episode every Tuesday night. Olivia and Ava are identical twins if you didn't know it, so that might be part of why you have trouble telling these two gorgeous girls apart. The girls are getting old enough that they are starting to show off their own little personalities and of course with them all walking Danielle and Adam Busby have their hands full.

Are you excited for a new season of "Outdaughtered" with the Busby family? Who are you the most excited to see? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss new episodes of "Outdaughtered" when they air on TLC starting on July 11. New episodes will air each week and the fans are ready to see the girls once again and get updates.