"The Vault" is an upcoming heist horror movie directed by Dan Bush. The screenplay for the movie was co-written by Bush and Conal Byrne and follows the story of two sisters who are trying to save their brother. To do so, they must rob a bank but when the Bank Manager leads them down to the vault something goes wrong. There is something otherworldly living down in the vault, and now they are trapped down there with it. "The Vault" is due to be released later this year. Casting includes such actors as james franco, Francesca Eastwood, and Taryn Manning.
The bank heist goes wrong
It is an ordinary day at the bank when two estranged sisters enter the bank. Unknown to the public around them they are here to enact a heist. Their motive behind this criminal act is to save their brother who appears to have gotten himself in some trouble. The only way that they can save his life is by coughing up a massive amount of money. The sisters go to their plan when they are met by the defiant bank manager played by James Franco.
This is the moment that everything begins to go wrong. Franco leads the two women down to "The Vault" in the basement of the bank. Immediately there is the sense that something is off. There are no security cameras or security guards in the basement.
The movie then takes a sharp turn as it is revealed that there is something deadly lurking down in the basement. There is a creature waiting for the two women, and now they are trapped down there with it.
Franco's 11th project this year
James Franco is an internationally recognized actor. This year the star has been working harder than ever and has starred in a total of 11 projects.
"The Vault" is only one of the movies that the star has been involved in. Among other projects, he has starred in the upcoming comedy movie "The Disaster Movie." He is also set to star in a TV series titled "The Deuce."
The movie "The Vault" has been critically acclaimed for the unexpected twist in the movie. The movie begins as a normal bank heist stereotype and then quickly switches to an unexpected horror movie.
According to Entertainment Weekly, fans of the horror genre will be delighted by the sharp change in the film. Further casting includes the likes of Scott Haze, who plays the sisters brother in the movie.
"The Vault" is due to be released in theaters later this year on the first of September. The release date is a worldwide release, so international fans of Franco will get to see the movie at the same time.