Duggar children are expected to reproduce as quickly as they marry. Although physical affection of any kind is reserved for marriage, once they are married, the entire family seems to wait impatiently for a pregnancy announcement. Thus far, all of the Duggars, save Jinger Duggar, have followed suit by having a baby 9 or 10 months after their walk down the aisle. Jinger Duggar has broken the mold by being married for more than several months and not yet having a baby with her husband, Jeremy Vuolo.

However, her father, Jim Bob Duggar, has teased that this season on their hit TV show, fans can expect to see many more grandchildren on the way for the family, especially with three semi-newlywed couples in their family.

Which Duggar is next?

Joy-Anna Duggar and her husband, Austin Forsyth, tied the knot in May of this year, but have not yet revealed that they are expecting a little one. Joy-Anna, though only 19, stated on Mother's Day that she was extremely excited to become a mother herself.

Jim Bob was recently asked which Duggar couple he expected to have a baby in the next few months. As babies bring in the ratings, there is no doubt that the family will be adding to their ranks for several years to come.

When interviewed by OK Magazine, Jim Bob Duggar was asked which couple was most likely to have a baby. Although he teased Joseph and Kendra, the newly engaged couple, he also stated that Joy-Anna and Austin might have one on the way already.

Did he just give away a secret?

Jim Bob's grandchildren

Although no one has yet to announce a pregnancy, Jim Bob's most recent grandchild was birthed by Jill Duggar Dillard. Fans have been concerned after the mother endured 40 hours of labor and had a C-section, which is rare for Duggar women who are encouraged to have babies at home.

There are rumors that Jill may have also had a hysterectomy after giving birth, or that there are problems with her new son, Samuel Scott.

The newest addition will arrive with Anna Duggar, oldest son Josh's wife, any day now. The mother of four is expecting her fifth child with her husband. In total, the Duggar Family has eight grandchildren with a ninth one on the way, and are expecting many more to come within the next few years.

As the Duggar clan gets older, there is no doubt that even more grandchildren will be on the way for Jim Bob and Michelle. Time will only tell who is the next member of the family to make a pregnancy announcement.