George A. Romero died in Toronto hospital on Sunday, July 16. He was widely known as the creator of modern zombie films. According to Los Angeles Times, the director had lung cancer.

Mr. George died peacefully in sleep while listening to the songs of his favorite movie "The Quiet Man,” with his wife Suzanne Romero and his daughter Tina Romero. Peter Grunwald, George’s best friend, said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter that he partnered with Mr. Romero on a couple of horror movies.

The creator of modern zombie films

George A. Romero made the headlines in 1968 with the success of his first horror movie “Night of the Living Dead.” It would not be wrong to say that Romero is the creator of zombie genre, inspiring dozens of horror movies which primarily operate in the same universe, and, of course, the “Walking Dead” show.

“I had never developed any rule. I was happy with my career and always tried to come up the expectations of my fans,” George told his co-writer John Russo in 2010.

According to George, the difference between the old and up-to-date zombie movies was not the desire to make the viewers feel unpleasant, but it was a mature and slender idea.

The director believed that a zombie was a universal metaphor.

“I tried my best to take them out of ‘exotica.’ I felt lucky because I succeeded in my mission,” Romero said in an interview with NPR in 2014.

His personal and professional life

George A. Romero’s resume also includes “The Crazies,” “Martin,” “Creepshow,” “Monkey Shines,” and “The Dark Half.” He was born in New York, to an Italian father and an American mother. His father reportedly worked as a commercial artist. In 1960, George completed his graduation and started his career as a model. One of his early commercial films was “Mister Rogers' Neighborhood” in which Romero underwent a tonsillectomy.

His first wife, Christine Forrest, was a businesswoman and actress.

Romero met her on the set of “Season of the Witch” in 1973. He had two kids with her. George’s second love was Suzanne Desrocher. They met and developed a relationship on the set of 2005’s thriller “Land of the Dead.” Romero and Desrocher tied the knot in September 2011 in a private ceremony. They were settled in Toronto for a couple of years. Romero’s son Cameron is a famous filmmaker. He is credited for the success of 2015 movie “Origins.” On July 16, 2017, Romero died in his sleep following a "brief battle with lung cancer."

We will certainly miss George A. Romero. Are you one of his fans?