"Fear the Walking Dead" is a spin-off zombie apocalypse show that came from the show "The Walking Dead". The series was created by Robert Kirkman and Dave Erickson and has maintained great success since its premiere of Season 1 back in 2015. Just as "The Walking Dead" follows Rick Grimes and his group, its spin off follows character Madison Clarke and her dysfunctional family as the zombie apocalypse first breaks out. The series gives fans of "The Walking Dead" a look at the beginning of the zombie world they were immediately introduced to in "The Walking Dead".
The second half of the third season of "Fear the Walking Dead" will be returning in a few months. The trailer was recently released.
The third season so far
The third season of "Fear the Walking Dead" has certainly picked up the pace from the first season of the show. The group become separated and are forced to make some shady alliances with the Otto family who own a ranch. The Otto's have created a community there but their sociopathic son Troy has been turning people into zombies and running experiments on them. He quickly becomes obsessed with Madison.
According to THR, the show wanted to explore the shows main protagonist Madison Clarke. Madison is the strong female character who brought her family together at the beginning of the end of the world they knew.
At the end of the first half of Season 3 viewers were shocked as it was revealed that Madison killed her abusive father when she was younger. Fans have been drawing many comparisons between Madison Clarke and Rick Grimes. "Fear the Walking Dead" has now set up Madison to become the new leader of the ranch as former owner Jeremiah Otto dies.
San Diego panel talks about whats in store for fans next
The team behind "Fear the Walking Dead" were greeted by the shows fans at the San Diego Comic Convention this year. Viewers of the show were dying to know what they had in store for the second half of season three. Show runner Dave Erickson has promised that there will be much more blood, gore, and zombies for fans in the rest of Season 3.
The trailer was released at the convention and revealed that the characters will now have to deal with hoards of zombies.
According to io9, this season will not only focus on the dangers of zombies. The show has stated that there will be a lot of reunions with the characters. The initial group from Season 1 have been separated and the second half of Season 3 will see some of these characters coming together again.
Robert Kirkman talked about the possibility of a cross over between "Fear the Walking Dead" and its predecessor. As for Season 3, fans will have to wait until September 10 to find out what happens next.