"Big Brother 19" has already offered game-changing twists, a self-eviction, and a showmance between Cody and Jessica. Things are changing fast this season so don't blink!

The following contains "Big Brother 19" spoilers. If you want to be surprised, stop reading now.

The "Big Brother" houseguests had been in the compound for eight days when fans watched the premiere. Jessica had already caught his attention and the very focused player admitted she distracted him.

When the live feeds came up on Friday morning, it was obvious that a showmance was in full swing.

According to "Online Big Brother" things may be about to change. Cody had a conversation with Mark about his showmance with Jessica. She has become jealous of Alex after her Power of Veto win. Alex showed the other "Big Brother" houseguests how well she competes when the pressure is on. This made Cody have a new respect for Alex. Jessica is very threatened by Cody's change of heart and accused him of having something going on with her.

An alliance is formed

Cody and Mark managed to have a conversation without Jessica around and Cody confided in him.

He feels that Jessica is acting like a jealous girlfriend. Cody also shared with Mark that his showmance partner doesn't have the influence over him that she thinks she does. Jessica is pushing him not to work with Alex, but he will if it is best for his positioning in the game. Cody made it clear to Mark that he is loyal to him in the game. Mark told Cody that he is with him all the way. These two seem to have the start of a solid alliance.

There is another alliance growing in the background as well. Paul and Kevin are working together and Paul made a promise to keep him safe. The unlikely pair will be able to gather information and strategize together. With the right houseguests on their side, there is the opportunity to go far in "Big Brother 19".

Sunday's episode will give the details

Things tend to change quickly in the "Big Brother" house but when the houseguests called it a night on day 10, Cody's plan is to put Jason up as the replacement nominee. He will be the target for eviction, leaving Jillian to fight another week. Also, this means Paul can keep it quiet for now that he still holds the Pendant of Protection. He will be safe for two additional weeks.

Sunday's episode of "Big Brother 19" will show the Power of Veto competition. New this season is the temptation where fans will see Paul accept the Pendant of Protection. Fans will finally know the consequence that is bestowed on a houseguest for Paul's choice.