"Big Brother 19" got off to a tense start. There were so many things that happened within the first two weeks, no one would have believed them if they hadn't seen them. Initially, Cody Nickson was someone fans thought they'd be rooting for. That all changed when he won the first HOH (Head of Household) of the season. Cody tried to form a super alliance, and when he surprised them by trying to back door Paul Abrahamian, they ditched him.

Last week, Cody wanted Christmas Abbott out. She already had an issue with her foot and competitions were going to be nearly impossible. Unfortunately for Nickson, the house voted Jillian Parker out instead.

Cody finds himself at the bottom

The second HOH was played and Paul Abrahamian won. Cody knew he was in trouble, and Jessica Graf was furious. While the couple assumed they would be nominated against each other, that is not how things played out. Paul nominated two pawns, and after the Power of Veto (POV) was played, he removed one of his own nominations and placed Cody on the block. It appeared that everything was falling into place.

Now, there is a new update that could change everything. "Big Brother" fans are expecting a Battle Back competition because of the early self-eviction and the possibility that Christmas Abbott would have to exit the game. According to the Hollywood Gossip, it was revealed that she would be having surgery on her foot. The intention is to have her return to the house, but it is unclear if she will be able to compete. Speculation is that she may be sent home to recover, which would leave the season short a player. In order to catch things up, Cody Nickson may not be evicted, giving him another shot in the house.

Tension in the house is high

After the POV ceremony was held, Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf began sulking.

The two talked about ruining Josh Martinez's life after they leave the house, dubbing him a sexual predator. "Big Brother" fans who have heard the conversation are appalled by what they heard. This could be a big legal issue if things don't settle down. Nickson can dish it, bu he sure has a hard time handling it when it comes back his way.

It is all a waiting game right now as Christmas Abbott goes in to have her foot surgery. The intention is for her to return but with an injured foot, playing competitions will be difficult. If she is allowed to stay, someone is going to have to carry her through the game. Whatever happens, expect the unexpected.