Hey, "Big Brother" fans. According to one of the latest reports from the folks over at the Big Brother Network, returning houseguest from season 18, Paul Abrahamian, won the HOH comp afterJillian's live eviction the other night.

Immediately after that, Paul gathered his current alliance members — Raven, Christmas, Matt, Dominique,Elena and Mark. He initially told them that he wanted to nominate two of his own alliance members as pawns so that he could backdoor Cody successfully. The main person he wanted to nominate was Raven because he knows no one would ever vote to evict her if she was sitting next to Cody on the chopping block.

Scrap that plan

Paul said he wouldn't go through with that plan unless they all agreed to it. Eventually, they decided to scrap that plan thinking it would just be too risky and actually not necessary to put their own alliance members on the block. After the eviction nomination ceremony which took place last night, we found out what they all agreed on.

Instead of nominating two of their own as nominees, they decided to nominate Alex and Josh as pawns. Ramses went ahead and used his curse to nominate himself as a third person. This was a very smart time for him to go ahead and get rid of that curse because everyone is going to try to vote Cody out this week if the backdoor attempt works.

So, the situation that we're looking at as of right now is Alex, Josh and Ramses are on the block as eviction nominees.

However, the ultimate goal is to make sure either Jessica or Cody don't even get a chance at winning the POV which will allow Paul to backdoor Cody.

Stop them from competing

Also, another twist has been thrown into the mix that will actually help insure this plan works. The twist is the "Ring Of Replacement." Christmas won it and it gives her the power to replace anyone in the POV competition.

It's in effect for as long as she's in the house.

If Cody or Jessica somehow end up getting a token to play in the POV comp later on today, Christmas will be able to stop them from competing by replacing them with herself. So, with all of those factors in play, it certainly looks like we could see Paul pull off a very successful backdoor eviction of Cody this Thursday night.

However, it is still "Big Brother" so anything can happen. This does sound like a very good plan though.

The POV competition is scheduled to take place later on today, July 8,2017. We'll be watching the live feeds to see who won it. From there, we'll certainly do another post to let you guys know the outcome. Speaking of the live feeds, Jessica continued to be very rude and nasty by telling Josh that he is a liar and a coward. Also, Cody cussed him out when he went in their room to get something!

Very shocking

It's very shocking to see how much Jessica has isolated herself from just about everyone else except Cody. In her pre-interviews she said she wasn't going to be caddy or get in a showmance. Since then, she's done both of those things to the max. It's always amazing to see how much these people's plans change once they enter that house. Stay tuned.