"Arrow" is a popular TV series which was created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg. The series is based on the DC character the Green Arrow. It follows the story of billionaire Oliver Queen who returns home after being ship wrecked on an island for five years. On his return, Oliver begins to fight crime and takes on the guise of the Green Arrow. The show has been running since 2012 and has already aired five seasons.
The trailer for the sixth season of the show was showcased at San Diego Comic Con. It has been confirmed that Oliver Queen will be explored in a brand new light in Season 6 of the show.
The cast talk about last seasons epic finale
Season 5 of "Arrow" ended with a bang as the gang was caught up in a huge explosion. Fans have been speculating ever since who has survived from Team Arrow. While on a panel at the San Diego Comic Convention the cast and crew from the series commented on last seasons finale. Producers of the show Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle opened up the panel by bringing up the topic of the explosion.
Mericle stated that the explosion seemed to be the right way to wrap up Oliver's story. She stated that season 5 actually saw the end of the last 10 years of character Oliver's life. In regards to whether or not the show runners are thinking of rebooting the show, Mericle stated absolutely not. She said that the show will be doubling down on the kinds of stories and characters that really resonated with the viewers in season 5 of the show.
Fans will see a completely new side to Oliver
According to Variety, fans will get to see a new side to Oliver. Season 5 saw the end of the character that fans have known for the past few years of the show. Now they will get to see Oliver Queen in a brand new light.
Stephen Amell, who plays Oliver on the show, has revealed that the theme of the family will carry on into season 6 of the show. He has also stated that the first three scripts are action packed and took him completely by surprise.
The stories surrounding Oliver Queen will certainly focus on his new role in life as a father. Speaking on behalf of his character Amell has stated that Oliver is not a good dad. He said that fans of the show will get to see Oliver struggle with this new position as he tries to form a relationship with his son William. William will be played by actor Jack Moore.
Season 6 of "Arrow" is due to return to the small screens on October 12. The series will be returning to the CW and fans can not wait to see the new direction that the series is going in.