Hey, "Doctor Who" fans. We've got a couple of very interesting spoiler scoops for the upcoming episode 9 of season 10. It turns out that an impossible conflict will arise on Mars. There's going to be some heavy drama going on that involves Victorian soldiers, Ice Warriors, and more. These spoilers are from BBC ONE's latest press release via Spoiler TV.
'Empress Of Mars'
To get things started, they gave us a title for this episode.
It's labeled, "Empress Of Mars." That's quite a fitting name for this episode as we'll soon see. The main description reveals that the Doctor, Bill and Nardole are going to take a little trip to Mars in this episode. However, judging from what they're describing, it doesn't sound like they're going to have a really good time there.
They're saying that they're going to somehow wind up in a huge conflict between the Ice Warriors and Victorian soldiers. How will they get into this crazy conflict? Will they be able to get themselves out of it? Those are the big questions for this storyline. They didn't really reveal how they got into this conflict so we're going to have to wait until this episode airs to see how that all takes place.
The one thing we can be sure of is that it's going to give us a ton of dramatic scenes to look forward to.
Unique dilemma
Next, they tell us that the drama will just keep getting worse because the Martian hive is going to start waking up. This will put the Doctor in a unique dilemma because the humans are going to be viewed by the Martians as the invaders. What will the Doctor come up with to get them out of this sticky situation? Will he be able to come up with anything at all? We're sure he will. However, they don't mention what solution he'll come up with so it's certainly going to be interesting to see what he decides to do.
That's all the synopsis spoilers that they supplied. However, we do expect BBC ONE to release a new preview clip for episode 9 after episode 8 airs.
So, be sure to look out for that. You'll definitely want to check it out because it always reveals a little something extra that the written press releases do not.
Growling Martians
The network also released a promo pic for episode 9. It features a new look at one of the Martian creatures growling. Judging by the looks of this thing, the Doctor and company will certainly have their work cut out for them if they want to make it out of this situation alive. We can confirm that episode 9 is scheduled to air next Saturday night, June 3, 2017 at 7pm on BBC ONE. Stay tuned.