The late actor Adam West, who passed earlier this month, is most widely known for his role as Batman during the 1960’s TV series but has widely been known for many other roles. One of his most popular current roles is as Mayor Adam West in the animated TV series “Family Guy.”

Mayor West is the very over-eccentric and possibly mad politician and has appeared in more than 100 episodes.

He could frequently be relied upon to do something completely bonkers.

Since the shocking news of West’s passing, speculation amongst fans of what would become of Mayor West on the show has been discussed heavily. Executive producer Steve Callaghan touched on this as he discussed the upcoming new season and what fans could expect.

How will things play out?

It had already been known that West had recorded some episodes for the upcoming season already, but whether they would be used or not still remained to be seen. When asked about the recorded episodes and whether they would be used or not Callaghan said that they had never considered not using them.

The character was such an integral part of the “Family Guy” series that it would be disrespectful to remove them. Callaghan believes it would be the correct way to honor West’s memory by keeping it in the show.

Callaghan also addressed the issue of whether or not they plan to take his character out of the show. He shared that he and the writers have not yet worked out the details of how they will address his departure on the show.

Moving forward

The topic of conversation then turned on what fans could expect to see of Mayor West in the next season. There may be spoilers moving on.

Callaghan explained that upcoming episodes featured Mayor West hover-boarding his way through the town of Quahog while carrying a rat in his pocket.

He will also lead a ceremony for some millennials, which will of course not go well. They sound like typical Mayor West activities then!

Of course, “Family Guy” wasn’t the only TV series to air unseen episodes after the news of West. NBC’s “Powerless,” which was cancelled mid-season, had unaired episodes of the actor that were shortly released following the news.

Fans will have to wait until later this year to see how things are played out, as the latest season is not set to return on Fox until October 1st this year. It’s probably safe to say that whatever they decide it will most likely be in true Mayor Adam West style: completely bonkers.