Former "Melrose Place" star Antonio Sabato Jr. is seeking a spot in Congress. Reports say he already filed his candidacy with the Federal Election Commission last Monday. Antonio Sabato Jr., a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, intends to take the position currently held by Rep. Julia Brownley, a Democrat. He is backed by Charles Moran, one of the president's top fundraisers.

Association with Trump

Moran believes Sabato Jr. is in a good position to win because of his "proximity to the White House." He will be able to do and deliver more for the constituents of the 26th District of California.

At the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last summer, the actor went up on stage to talk about why he thinks Trump would make a good president. In an interview with People Magazine (prior to the election), Sabato Jr. said he appreciated the honesty of the president. Aside from being a Trump supporter, the actor is also good friends with the president's sons.

When he made it clear who he was supporting, Sabato Jr. made headlines during the election season. However, his politics, he said, apparently blacklisted him in Hollywood.

"The reality is if you’re associated with the Republican Party, the casting directors and producers already blacklist you based on that," the actor told Variety in August 2016.

"I know people that just showed up, they didn’t speak – and they are not getting work because of it." Despite this, he said he's not leaving Hollywood, or California for that matter.

The former Calvin Klein model has no political experience. But, he once said in an interview that he is "passionate" about making the world better.

He's also fascinated by the likes of Rudy Guiliani and Ted Cruz, whom he considers smart and hardworking politicians. Sabato Jr. is originally from Italy. He said when he came to America in the '80s he had no political leaning.

Public reaction to his candidacy

On Twitter, some couldn't believe that he was running. One user said that the actor could even be planning a run for president next. "He will win, ascend to the Presidency, and get us all killed,” the user joked. Others also called him out for being pro-Trump.