Uh oh, fellow "Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD" fans. It's about to get even more crazy, despite Coulson's recent victory in the Framework. ABC is telling us in their recent press release spoilers for the upcoming episode 21 of season 4 that a new enemy is going to rise up that's even more deadlier, so their just going to keep all the madness coming! They only gave us this one storyline scoop, but man, is it a huge one.
"The Return"
Like always, their press release , gave us a title reveal for this installment. It turns out that, "The Return," is what they thought was a suitable name for this episode.
They started things off with another all-cap highlight that tells us, we're going to see a much greater threat get revealed by Coulson's victory in the Framework. Obviously, we want to know what the hell is this huge threat, and will the team be able to stop it?
Cut very short
Before getting into a little bit more of an explanation for this episode, they let us know that this is the second to last episode of this season, so that's pretty important. Then they revealed more intel about this main plotline, but not a whole, whole lot. They just mentioned that Coulson and the SHIELD crew's recent victory in the Framework, is definitely going to be cut very short, because apparently, there's going to be another enemy lurking around the corner that they describe is even more dangerous and life-threatening, and that it's plotting against all of them!
It's certainly got my interest peaked as to who this new enemy will be. I can't wait to see who it is. The one thing that we do know, is that it's going to give us some great scenes to look forward to. This episode was written by the writing team of: Maurissa Tancharoen & Jed Whedon, and Kevin Tancharoe directed it.
Unfortunately, ABC didn't offer up the promo pics ,yet, for this week.
They usually have them posted by now. As always, you'll want to be on the lookout for the new preview clip that ABC is expected to serve up after episode 20 wraps up later on tonight. It will hopefully give us more intel on some possible other scenes, or elaborate more on who this new enemy is.
The Superior is still around
We do have a guest star list that reveals, we'll see Yo-Yo in action again, along with crazy Aida, so she won't be out of the storyline yet.
I wonder if Zach McGowen aka The Superior. The one who's been reduced to playing Aida's lackey, ends up doing something crazy? He's supposed to show up as well, so look for some drama from him for sure. Episode 21 is also confirmed to hit the airwaves next Tuesday night, May 9th,2017 at the same 9pm central standard time slot on ABC. Stay tuned.