As part of the ongoing rift between the political left and right, comedian Kathy Griffin posted a picture of herself holding a mock decapitated head of Donald Trump. In response, Donald Trump Jr. fired back, which prompted other conservatives to do so in the process.

Griffin vs Team Trump

When Donald Trump first announced his candidacy for president back in June 2015, it didn't take long before the majority of Hollywood was pushing back.

During his campaign announcement, Trump spoke about his plans for immigration reform and labeled those entering the United States illegally from Mexico as "rapists" and "murderers." The opposition from most celebrities came quick, as it was clear that the liberal-leaning Hollywood would be at war with the former host of "The Apprentice" and all of those who supported him. As the months went on, Trump became the butt of a joke for many comedians, including late-night talk show hosts like Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher, as well as the cast of Saturday Night Live." Other celebrities used social media to voice their frustrations, with the likes of actor George Takei and filmmaker Rob Reiner sounding off on the billionaire real estate mogul on an almost daily basis.

While many have been clear with their criticism of Trump, not many have been as vocal without a filter as comedian Kathy Griffin. As seen on her Twitter account on May 30, Griffin posted an image of herself holding a mock version of Trump's decapitated head covered in blood, which resulted in immediate outrage from conservatives.

Taking to her Twitter account on Tuesday, Kathy Griffin posted the aforementioned image, while offering a clarification it the process. "1/ I caption this 'there was blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his...wherever' Also @tylershields great Photog/film maker," Griffin tweeted out. In a follow-up message, the comedian explained, "2/ OBVIOUSLY, I do not condone ANY violence by my fans or others to anyone, ever!

I'm merely mocking the Mocker in Chief."

Right-wing response

While Kathy Griffin used a controversial method in expressing her free speech against Donald Trump, many supporters of the president were not amused. "Disgusting but not surprising. This is the left today. They consider this acceptable. Imagine a conservative did this to Obama as POTUS?" Donald Trump Jr. tweeted out.

"And photos like this just make me even more proud to be on the Right side of the election," Tomi Lahren wrote on her Twitter account. "I'm old enough to remember when leftists got a rodeo clown fired for wearing an Obama mask," Ben Shapiro tweeted, before adding in a follow-up message, "Leftists, tell me again about Trump's violent language ushering in an era of violence."

"And now everyone's talking about it.

Which is why she does stuff like this, even if it's vulgar," co-host of "The View" Jedediah Bila pointed out. Even the vocally liberal Keith Olbermann was not pleased with Kathy Griffin, tweeting "Nope. Too much. By a very long distance, way too much." As the backlash continued from those on the right, it was obvious that the rift between the political left and right in the United States was not going to end anytime soon.