"The Bachelor" franchise has suffered another tragic loss. Former contestant Michael Nance, age 31, was found dead this morning in Austin, Texas. The Austin Police had answered a call shortly after 2:00 AM Central time regarding an unresponsive male. They soon discovered that the male was Michael Nance. At 2:54 AM Nance was pronounced dead.
What do we know so far?
At this time the circumstances of Michael's death are unknown but there appears to be no foul play. According to a spokesperson for the Austin Police Department, the Medical Examiner will conduct an investigation, and more information will be relayed to the public.
Michael Nance's sister, Misty, has posted on social media about the loss of her brother. She expressed the heartbreak both her and her mother feel after the news of the unexpected death.
According to the bio published by "The Bachelorette" for Season 8, Michael was a Rehab Consultant. In an unaired segment taped for the show, however, he admitted that he had struggled with a prescription pain pill addiction for the previous two years. At this time there is limited information, but an accidental overdose is a possibility, for a cause of death.
How many deaths has Bachelor Nation had?
Fans of "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" know that this isn't the first death of an alum. In fact, Michael is the sixth ex-contestant to meet an untimely death.
There have been two suicides: Gia Allemand and Julien Hug. Both Erin Storm and Eric Hill died in tragic accidents. Lex McAllister's death was attributed to an accidental overdose.
Emily Maynard posted on social media to express her sympathy for Michael and his family. Her tribute included praise for his musical talents. Michael Nance has music available online from popular download sites as well as videos of him performing.
His passion for creating and performing music is obvious and had left a positive impression on Emily Maynard.
"The Bachelor" franchise has yet to speak out on the death of yet another of their family. The tragic loss of Michael Nance comes on the heels of the legal trouble for Chris Soules, a popular ex-Bachelor. The Bachelor Nation is facing loss and heartache on several levels right now while trying to stay focused on the current season of "The Bachelorette". The franchise has always made an effort to be active with Bachelor Nation. Due to that, fans can expect to hear a statement regarding the tragic death of Michael Nance.