lifetime network is known for airing stories based on real life events. "The New York Prison Break: The Seduction of Joyce Mitchell" is premiering on Lifetime on Sunday, April 23 at 8 p.m. The movie includes the intricate details about the June 6, 2015 prison break that stunned the nation. It is about an insecure prison tailor who fell in love with two prisoners and helped them escape from Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York.

People know some of the details that were in the headlines, but Lifetime is sharing more details leading up to the prison break.

Lifetime's version

According to Lifetime, the network will show how Joyce Mitchell believed the two convicted murderers were in love with her. Because the movie is titled "The New York Prison Break: The Seduction of Joyce Mitchell," it is believed that the movie will focus more on the woman than on the convicted murderers.

Joyce Mitchell's admission

The married mother of three admitted that she fell in love and was intimate with both Richard Matt and David Sweat who were both serving life sentences for murder.

She also admitted to her part in the escape including smuggling tools to them in frozen hamburger meat.

Mitchell, played by Golden Globe and SAG nominee Penelope Ann Miller, had planned to run away to Mexico with them. Their plan failed when the woman got cold feet and became so ill that she ended up in the hospital and failed to show up to be their getaway driver. She told officials that the men had planned to kill her husband, and she didn't want him to die.

Rest of the story

This is not a spoiler because the nation already knows that the manhunt went on for three weeks and cost $23 million. Richard Matt was tracked down and the 48-year-old murderer was fatally shot on June 26, 2015. David Sweat pleaded guilty two days later when he was captured.

He was sentenced to up to 14 years in prison to be served consecutively with the life sentence he was already serving. Mitchell, 51, pleaded guilty for her part in the escape. She was sentenced to up to seven years in prison.

Watch the movie when it premieres on Lifetime on Sunday, March 23 at 8 p.m.