The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the most successful cinematic universe in the entertainment industry today. In some ways, it has a cult-like following to the point where some believe it’s perfect. However, such is not the case, the MCU is from perfect, and we’re going to explain why.

Now, this is not an attack on the MCU by any means; I just feel the need to point out a few problems many have decided to throw under the rug.

Jane Foster missing in action

When the first “Thor” movie came on the scene, Jane Foster felt like the main character. Her role was more pivotal than Thor himself, which was an issue for some fans. Nevertheless, one has to admit that by the end of the film, it was clear that Jane Foster would play a significant role within the universe.

Unfortunately, the character was not shown again onscreen until “Thor: The Dark World.” For some strange reason, the character did not appear in Avengers, and from there, the writers gave her mediocre storyline in The Dark World.

As it stands, Natalie Portman, the actress behind Jane Foster, has decided to no longer play a part in the MCU.

She came to a decision after feeling Jane Foster was not given the proper treatment, and guess what, she’s not wrong.

A teenaged Spider-Man

Spider-Man is an excellent superhero, and it’s great he now appears in the MCU. However, there’s a problem with Marvel and Sony choosing to bring to the table a teenage Spider-Man. It’s going to affect the stories Marvel can tell because he’s still in high school.

Imagine an interaction between Spider-Man and Black Cat in a future film. Well, guess what? It will likely not happen for a very long time due to Peter Parker’s immaturity.

Terrible villains are terrible

In terms of heroes, the MCU has them in abundance. We all tend to enjoy the heroes, but the villains are lackluster at the best.

If we say the name of a memorable villain, chances are everyone would repeat a single name, and that’s Loki.

Every villain before and after Loki seems underwhelming to the point where we have to wonder if Marvel has a problem with coming up decent bad guys. It’s either that or the company prefers to have its heroes take center stage over the villains.

Whatever the case, the movies are getting a bit annoying seeing as the good guys can never lose.

Interestingly enough, Marvel has done a splendid job with its villains on the small screen, which is proof the company know how to handle this important aspect, but refuse to do so.