"Rick and Morty" season 3 is one of the highly anticipated animated series. Fans had been wondering when it would return to the small screens after Season 2 concluded in October 2015. While there is no definite date for its release yet, fans are waiting for updates on the show's development.

Fans are aware that season 3 is already written and the production team is already working on the animation.

One proof is when the show's writer Mike McMahan posted a photo of the script a few weeks ago saying that they are doing the voice over of episode 301. This means that the show is apparently in the works, but only Adult Swim could reveal the exact date of its release.

Recently, McMahan tweeted, "We have to get at least five more people asking for season 3 on Twitter before Adult Swim will consider releasing it. Sorry." This tweet means that fans of the show need to wait a little longer.

Updates that angered fans

But apart from those mentioned above, there were updates that fans didn't find pleasing.

One of them is the response of EP and co- creator Justin Roiland to a tweet which freaked out fans. YouTuber Freddie Wong asked Roiland if there are many people asking him on Twitter about Season 3.

Roiland said that the series is "never coming." Some fans were angry since they felt like they are waiting for nothing. But the tweet of Roiland was apparently a joke.

Another is the teaser of "Rick And Morty" season 3 on YouTube uploaded by Adult Swim Australia which turned out to be a mere compilation of previous scenes. Many fans felt misled with some saying that they were "Rick Rolled." Adult Swim Australia added a comment that there was a technical issue in their editing program and changed the title of the clip.

Rick And Morty trolls other delayed releases

Well, since the show's social media accounts are full of people asking about when it will be released, they humorously trolled other long overdue releases which had been hot on the web. This includes the book "Winds of Winter" by George RR Martin.

They tweeted that the "Games of Thrones" author is torturing them with the very long wait. It added that it is a shame that it is delayed for long and that Martin needs to write faster. Aside from that, they also posted about "Fargo" Season 3 saying that they had been waiting forever.

But despite their effort to divert the fan's attention to other delayed releases, many are still asking about the release of "Rick and Morty" Season 3. At least, fans know that Adult Swim is working on it.