Mathew Morrison is joining the cast of "Grey's Anatomy" and now everyone wants to know what role he will be playing. E! shared a few ideas of who he will be and spoilers about what is going on with him. There are rumors that he could be playing Jo's ex that she doesn't want to find her. This could make for an interesting role. If Jo's ex finds her, then maybe she can divorce him and end up with Alex in the end.
Mathew Morrison lands guest role
Morrison shared that he is playing Dr. Paul Stadler, but he didn't say what show he would be playing this role on.
It has now been revealed that he is on "Grey's Anatomy." One scene shows him outside talking to Alex Karev, but nobody really knows what is going on with him. The scene is from season thirteen, episode twenty-three so it won't be much longer before you get to see Morrison and find out what he is doing. This is a twist that everyone can't wait to see how it really goes down.
There has been a threat that Jo's ex would find her. She told Alex that she couldn't marry him because she was still married. Jo even considered skipping town so that he wouldn't figure out where she was at and find her. TV Line already shared that they were casting someone on the show that sounds like it will be her ex showing up in town and even working there.
It is unknown who would decide to hire him or if he ended up there by trying to find Jo and the job just happened to be there as well.
It also sounds like whoever they are casting could even be back again next season. If Jo Wilson's ex was to become a big role on the show that would surprise a lot of people, but it could make for a very interesting season.
She is scared of him and doesn't want him to find her, but there are also always two sides to every story. His story might be a bit different than her version of it.
What do you think of the idea of Mathew Morris joining "Grey's Anatomy"? What role do you feel like they gave him? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss new episodes of "Grey's Anatomy" on Thursday nights on ABC.