On Mama June's first episode of "Mama June: From Not To Hot" fans thought she looked a bit odd. June allegedly hadn't lost any weight yet when they filmed this and fans accused her of wearing a fat suit. Now she is speaking out and denying all claims that this is true.
What did Mama June have to say?
The speculation was that Mama June had lost some weight before the show, so she had to make it look like she was still bigger. June says that isn't true, though. She said, "I don’t know what the hell people were thinking, but no, I would never do that." After that, Mama June went on to say "This journey started a long time ago.
We started filming a little bit and then through the process, we had stopped, and there’s nothing … no, hell no, you’re seeing me for me."
Honey Boo Boo's mom went on to say that when she was at the doctor's office that was actually her. A lot of people thought she looked normal then, but at other points in the show, such as interviews, she didn't really look normal. She started this journey in May of 2016, and it took her a long time. June did have more than one surgery to get to where she is today, though.
The thing is Mama June shared that she didn't wear a fat suit, but she didn't share why she looked strange. There has to be some way that she can explain what was going on with her, but she just seems to want everyone to believe that is how she really looked at the time.
Right now, fans are finally getting to see what June looks like now. On the last episode, she even tried on a wedding dress, and she looked great. The fans love seeing June looking so great, but are also enjoying watching her journey and seeing what all she did to lose the weight.
Do you believe Mama June didn't really wear a fat suit?
Why do you think she looked odd if that wasn't what was going on? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss "Mama June: From Not To Hot" on Friday nights on WE. You will not want to miss her big reveal at the end and also seeing if she can get into that red dress for Sugar Bear's wedding.