On an almost daily basis, Donald Trump has been dealing with growing backlash against his presidency and political agenda. The latest twist involves an alleged racist comment made by the current president during a golf outing when speaking about potential sexual relations with a female African-American.

Trump trouble

Over the last year and a half, Donald Trump has created a constant stream of controversy that doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon.

From his questionable policy proposals, to his rants on Twitter, the former host of "The Apprentice" has locked in a base of supporters that are loyal to the core, while alienating millions of other Americans. In recent weeks, the billionaire real estate mogul has been dealing with the growing scandal involving Russia's influence on his previous campaign, and his current administration. However, actor Don Cheadle decided to vent his frustrations with Trump on Twitter, making harsh allegations on March 5.

During a string of Twitter posts on Saturday night and Sunday morning, Don Cheadle went off on Donald Trump.

"Hated him since he asked my friend's father at a Doral pro-am if he'd ever "f*cked a ni**er," Cheadle tweeted, before adding, "Did it for me." "Her father wasn't wearing a wire. But look up the 2M or so articles about Drumpf and racism if you need a primer," he continued, while noting, "Start with his own book."

When asked to back up his allegations with evidence, Don Cheadle trolled the president, mocking Donald Trump for citing a nonexistent source about the alleged disaster going on in Paris. Not stopping there, the actor continued to defend himself on Twitter during a series of tweets on Sunday morning, as the rift between Trump and Hollywood only continues to get worse by the day.

Moving forward

Like Don Cheadle, the majority of Hollywood view Donald Trump in a negative light. Many have used their popularity on social media to routinely fire back at the commander in chief, mocking him over his Twitter rants, and even going as far as leading protests around the country. In his own defense, Trump has pushed back against celebrities, with his supporters calling for a boycott of Hollywood due to their liberal political views.