Episode 11 of "Bones" Season 12, titled “The Final Chapter: The Day in the Life,” is set to follow Booth running against time to help Brennan and his loved ones from Kovac’s killing project after finding out that the vindictive killer has left custody. According to the official teaser, each principal character's final story will be investigated.
Angela publishes some big news, Jessica and James come to terms with the destiny of their relationship, while Doctor Brennan goes to the trial to declare for Zack. Later, the group is shocked upon discovering that Mark has escaped.
Seeley is left in a run against the clock to save not only himself but also those confidential to him. Mark, furthermore, plots his most terrible project yet.
Plot and highlights episode 10
In the last episode 10 of "Bones", every situation was reportedly well-presented to the public. There were hopes for Michael Grant Terry's part, Wendell Bray, to get improved to a greater point from where he is now in his work, but it didn't result.
Fans are expecting Wendell could do this on the resting episodes especially because he arrived from an unprivileged background and his training was sponsored by benefactions and scholarships.
Episode 11 preview and spoilers
As announced in the synopsis for episode 11 of "Bones," named "The Day in the Life," Temperance Brennan and Agent Seeley Booth will be caught in the Jeffersonian Institution, along with other their colleagues, when the bomb runs off.
Booth and Brennan presume that a man wants Brennan dead.
In the promotional video, Booth will see the bomb in the Institution and moments before the bomb is ready to detonate, it looks like the agent will operate to evacuate and inform a number of workers. While some will get it out of the door securely, the emergency lockdown plan of the structure will keep the two inside.
The episode 11 of "Bones" Season 12 will air on Fox on Tuesday, March 21 at 9.00 pm EST. It will be succeeded by episode 12, named "The End in the End," that will air on March 28.